Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dr. MGR University Question Paper,Paper IV – PHYSIOLOGY INCLUDING BIOPHYSICS – II,FIRST M.B.B.S.,2010 Question Paper

Dr. MGR University Question Paper
Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations
Q. P. Code : 524054
Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30)
 1. What are the types of muscular exercise?
 Discuss the various physiological changes occurring during and after exercise.
 2. Elucidate how pressure vibrations in the air are perceived as sound.
II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Kirchoff’s law and Einthoven’s law.
2. Excitation contraction coupling in cardiac muscle.
3. Triple response in skin.
4. Physiological dead space.
5. Dysbarism.
6. Causes of muscle tone.
7. Function of palaeostriatum.
8. Climbing, mossy and parallel fibres.
9. Control of appetite.
 10. Induction of sleep.
III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Tracing of arterial pulse.
2. Reynold’s number.
3. Pre load and after load in the heart.
4. Sneezing reflex.
5. Denervation hypersensitivity.
6. Reciprocal inhibition.
7. Consolidation of memory.
8. Formation of cerebrospinal fluid.
9. Gustatory receptors.
 10. Dark adaptation.
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