Dr. MGR University Question Paper
2011 Question paper
B.S.M.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION.Second Professional Course
Q.P. Code : 601125
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
I. Give Detailed Answers : (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Draw a labelled sketch of a plant cell and write notes on any five organels.
2. Give ten examples of roots used as medicine and their action.
II. Short notes : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Penicillium asexual reproduction.
2. Lichen thallus in vertical section. (Parmelia)
3. Spikelet.
4. Give any five identifying characters of family Malvaceae.
5. (a) Hesperidium
(b) Legume.
6. Bulb.
7. Give five examples for medicinally important flowers.
8. Herbal drug standardisation.
9. Opium.
10. Hydrophytes.
III. Short answers : (10 x 2 = 20)
1. What is stylopodium?
2. Cladode.
3. Gum-Arabic.
4. What are the two types of tanins?
5. Name two plant Alkaloids.
6. Obdiplostemonous Condition.
7. Gynostegium.
8. Solitary cyme.
9. Mention two differences between the vascular bundles of stem and root.
10. Didynamous Stamen.
Dr. MGR University Question Paper
2012 Question Paper
B.S.M.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION.Second Professional Course
Q.P. Code : 601125
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL the questions.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
I. Elaborate on : (2 × 15 = 30)
1. What are Lichens? Explain the Life cycle of Lichen that you have studied.
2. Compare the families Fabaceae and Caesalpiniaceae with suitable diagram.
II. Write notes on : (10 × 5 = 50)
1. Draw and Explain the Electron microscopic structure of a plant cell.
2. What are the methods of conservation of medicinal plants? Explain.
3. Write the Benthem and Hooker’s system of classification.
4. Explain the salient features of the family Lamiaceae.
5. Write about the medicinally useful plants of family Apocynaceae.
6. What are plant galls? Mention their role in medicine.
7. Medicinally useful flowers.
8. Draw and explain the structure of Gracilaria cystocarp.
9. Write any five poisonous plants. Explain how they are used in medicine.
10. What are the adaptations of Xerophytes?
III. Short answers : (10 × 2 = 20)
1. Thyrsus.
2. Translator.
3. Cystoliths.
4. Pneumatophore.
5. Chloroplast.
6. Labellum.
7. Aerenchyma.
8. Cremocarp.
9. Tannins.
10. Apothecium.
Dr. MGR University Question Paper
2012 Question Ppaer
Q.P. Code : 601125
Time : Three hours (180 minutes) Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions in the same order.
I. Elaborate on : Pages Time Marks
1. Explain Cucurbitaceae family with suitable
diagrams; write five medicinally important plants
their scientific names and uses. Max Max Max
16 25 15
2. Write an essay on the life history of Gracilaria and
medicinal uses of Algae.
16 25 min. 15
II. Write notes on :
1. Medicinal uses of Non-Flowering plants. 1 8 min. 5
2. Write five medicinal useful plants and uses of
1 8 min. 5
3. Write the characteristic features of Apiaceae. 1 8 min. 5
4. Adaptations of Hydrophytes. 1 8 min. 5
5. Role of Anatomy in identification of raw drugs. 1 8 min. 5
6. Chloroplast. 1 8 min. 5
7. Medicinally useful any five rhizomes. 1 8 min. 5
8. Damars. 1 8 min. 5
9. Tannins. 1 8 min. 5
10. Adulteration. 1 8 min. 5
III. Short answers:
1. Head inflorescence. 1 5 min 2
2. Alpinia. 1 5 min 2
3. Medicinal uses of Rutaceae. 1 5 min 2
4. Gamopetalea. 1 5 min 2
5. Poisonous plants. 1 5 min 2
6. Alkaloids. 1 5 min 2
7. Galls. 1 5 min 2
8. Gynostegium. 1 5 min 2
9. Two medicinal flowers. 1 5 min 2
10. Oleo resin. 1 5 min 2
Dr. MGR University Question Paper
2013 Question Ppaer
Q.P. Code : 601125
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
I. Essay : (2 × 15 = 30)
1. Write the salient features of the family Apiaceae with suitable illustrations
and add a note on medicinally useful plants of this family.
2. Explain the life history of Penicillium with suitable diagrams and mention
medicinal uses of fungi.
II. Short notes : (10 × 5 = 50)
1. Halophytic plants and their adaptive features.
2. Plant galls, their properties and medicinal uses.
3. Tissue culture in conservation of medicinal plants.
4. Pharmacological action of alkaloids.
5. Write the techniques of herbarium preparation.
6. What are the diagnostic characters of the family Acanthaceae?
7. Leaf adnation in Solanaceae.
8. Medicinally useful plants of Asteraceae family.
9.What are Damars? Explain how they are used in medicine.
10. Explain the methods by which adulteration can be detected.
III. Short answers : (10 × 2 = 20)
1. What are cystoliths?
2. What is stomatal index number?
3. What is phylloclade?
4. Define involucre.
5. What is a vasculum?
6. Define prothallus.
7. What are thallophytes?
8. What is caryopsis?
9. Define the series monochlamydeae.
10. Didynamous condition.
Dr. MGR University Question Paper
2013 Question Paper
Q.P. Code : 601125
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
I. Essay Questions : (2 × 15 = 30)
1. Describe the Family Acanthaceae with suitable diagrams; write any five
medicinally important plants their botanical names and Pharmacological
action and uses.
2. Write detail notes on poisonous plants used in siddha medicine with Poisonous
symptoms, poisonous ingredient and Medicinal uses.
II. Short notes : (10 × 5 = 50)
1. Carposporophytic Generation of Gracillaria.
2. Flower Characters of Leguminaceae sub families.
3. Adaptation of Halophytic.
4. Herbarium Techniques and importance.
5. Inflorescence of Asteraceae.
6. Anatomical Structure of Boerhaavia Stem.
7. Write any five Medicinally used roots and uses.
8. Write about Medicinally used fixed oils.
9. Write types of Tannin and Pharmacological properties.
10. Sexual characters of Zinigiberaceae.
III. Short answers : (10 × 2 = 20)
1. Types of Plambago.
2. Capparidaceae floral Thalamus.
3. Polyadelpous stamen.
4. Give five examples for commonly used Alkaloids as medicine.
5. Plant galls.
6. Gum resins.
7. Ergot.
8. Structure of Apothecium.
9. Follicles.
10. Leaf adnation.
Dr. MGR University Question Paper
2014 Question Paper
Q.P. Code : 601125
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
I. Essay Questions : (2 × 15 = 30)
1. Describe the family Menispermaceae and give list of any five medicinal plants
with medicinal uses, scientific name and pharmacological action.
2. Explain different ecological adaptation of plant.
II. Short notes : (10 × 5 = 50)
1. Rutaceae Characters.
2. Structure of Poaceae inflorescence.
3. Medicinally used plants of Piperaceae.
4. Medicinally used Barks.
5. Prothallus.
6. Plant cell organelles.
7. Rhizomes used as medicine.
8. Basic Technique of Herbal drug standardization.
9. Medicinal usage and poisonous symptoms of dried latex of Opium.
10. Flower characters of Solanaceae.
III. Short answers : (10 × 2 = 20)
1. Nutlet.
2. Labellum.
3. Obdiplostemonous.
4. Gynostegium.
5. Cyathium.
6. Plant Galls.
7. Saponin.
8. Sandal wood.
9. Agar – Agar.
10. Butterfly petals.
Dr. MGR University Question Paper
2014 Question Paper
Q.P. Code : 601125
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
I. Essay : (2 × 15 = 30)
1. Briefly explain the diagnostic vegetative and reproductive characters of the
family asteraceae with suitable diagram.
2. Write an essay on the methods of conservation of medicinal plants.
II. Short notes : (10 × 5 = 50)
1. Bentham and Hooker’s system of classification.
2. Explain the Electron Microscopic structure of a plant cell.
3. Cyathium inflorescence.
4. What are Tannins? Write their pharmacological actions.
5. Diagnostic characters of the family Apocynaceae.
6. Internal Structure of apothecium.
7. Medicinal uses of algae.
8. Pharmacognosy of resins.
9. Describe the flower of Asclepiadaceae.
10. Medicinally useful roots.
III. Short answers : (10 × 2 = 20)
1. Prothallus of fern.
2. What is a stylopodium?
3. Define spike inflorescence.
4. What is a labellum?
5. What is lichen?
6. Pneumatophore.
7. Ribosomes.
8. Ovary of Cucurbitaceae.
9. Syngenecious condition.
10. Series Epigynae.
Dr. MGR University Question Paper
2015 Question Paper
Q.P. Code : 601125
Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer All Questions.(Draw labelled diagram wherever necessary)
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Describe the life cycle of Penicillium notatum.
2. Compare and contrast the families Acanthaceae and Apiaceae.
II. Write short answers: (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Write short notes on sporophyll section through sorus in Dryopteris
2. Medicinal uses of rhizomes.
3. Medicinal uses of whole plants.
4. Domestic medicinal garden.
5. Poaceae - flower description.
6. Medicinal uses of barks.
7. Describe gynostegium.
8. Draw a labelled sketch of a typical plant cell.
9. Notes on drug standardization.
10. Adaptations of hydrophytes.
III . Brief Answers (10 x 2 = 20)
1. What is stylopodium?
2. Asafoetida.
3. Give two adulterants.
4. Write any two plants used for cancer.
5. Agar-agar.
6. What are pnematophores?
7. Leaf adnation.
8. Name two Medicinally important fungi.
9. Give the botanical names of two medicinally useful flowers.
10. What are galls?
Dr. MGR University Question Paper
2015 Question Paper
Q.P. Code : 601125
Time: Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Write an essay on the life cycle of Dryopteris filix-mas and medicinally
used Pteridophytes.
2. Describe the family Liliaceace with suitable diagrams: Write any five
medicinally important plants of Liliaceace with uses and pharmacological
II. Write notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Special characters of Rannunculaceae.
2. Natural system of classification.
3. Types of euphorbiaceae inflorescence.
4. Medicinally used plants of Zingiberaceae, their botanical names, actions
and Medicinal uses.
5. Conservation of Rare and Endangered plants used Biotechnology tool.
6. Adulteration of Raw Drugs.
7. Medicinally used leaves and pharmacological action.
8. Hard Resins and usage.
9. Vascular Tissues and Functions.
10.Types of Tannin and usage.
III. Short answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Anthraquinones.
2. Cremocarp.
3. Gum resin (Asafoetida) uses.
4. Draw the diagram of Boerhavia stem and note parts.
5. Mimosaceae fruit.
6. Piper nigrum usage.
7. Cucurbitaceae stamen.
8. Spiklets.
9. Rubiaceae flower characters.
10. Cleistothecium.
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