Kakatiya University Question Paper B.Sc II Year Computer Science Objected Oriented Programming and Data Structure Paper II 2013 Question Paper Free Download
B.Sc. (II- Year) ExaminationCOMPUTER SCIENCE
Objected Oriented Programming and Data Structure
Paper ---- II
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 100
SECTION ---- A (Marks : 10 x 2=20)
Answer ALL questions.
1. c(a) Define class.
(b) Explain this keyword.
(c) What is a wrapper class ?
(d) What is an exception?
(e) Define new keyword.
(f) What is thread?
(g) Define Abstract data types.
(h) Explain static keyword.
(i) Explain throwing the exceptions .
(j) Define spanning tree and its applications.
SECTION –B (Marks : 5 x 16 =80)
2. (a) Explain the features of Java.
(b) Explain about command line agruments with suitable exmple.
(c) Write about advantages of object oriented programming .
3. (a) Define constructor . Explain about different types of constructors with examples .
(b) Explain about method overloading.
(c) Write about precedence of operators with an exampl in java.
(d) Write about operators in Java.
4.(a) Define an Interface. Write a Java program on Interface.
(b) Write a program on creating a package.
(c) How multiple Inheritance can be achieved in Java?
(d) Write a Java programme to traverse a Matrix.
5.(a) Define Exception . How to handle exception?
(b) Write about thread classes in Java.
(c) What is an Applet ? Explain life cylce of an applet.
(d) Write a programme on multiple catch statements.
6.(a) Disucss about circular queue with example.
(b) Write a program on insertion sort.
(c) Define tree. Write applications of tree.
(d) Write a program of stack.
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