Dr.MGR University Question Paper
Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations
Paper I – ANATOMY – I
Q. P. Code : 524051
Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Describe the urinary bladder under the following headings surfaces and borders,
relations, blood supply, histology and applied aspects.
2. Describe the shoulder joint under articular surfaces, capsule, ligaments, movements
and muscles causing them, applied aspects.
II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Carpal tunnel.
2. Hepato renal pouch.
3. Microscopic structure of testis.
4. Supports of uterus.
5. Medial longitudinal arch of foot.
6. Blood supply of long bone.
7. Obturator nerve.
8. Epiploic foramen.
9. Klinefecter’s Syndrome.
10. Menisci of knee joint.
III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Name any two tarsal bones of the foot.
2. Name the muscles causing abduction at wrist joint.
3. Name the terminal branches of sciatic nerve.
4. Name the arteries supplying transverse colon.
5. Name the branches arising from posterior cord of the brachial plexus.
6. Name the muscles present within the deep perineal pounch.
7. Name the parts of the uterine tube.
8. Name the coverings of kidney.
9. Name the two most common positions of appendix.
10. Name the structures piercing the clavipectoral facsia.
Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations
Paper I – ANATOMY – I
Q. P. Code : 524051
Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Describe the urinary bladder under the following headings surfaces and borders,
relations, blood supply, histology and applied aspects.
2. Describe the shoulder joint under articular surfaces, capsule, ligaments, movements
and muscles causing them, applied aspects.
II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Carpal tunnel.
2. Hepato renal pouch.
3. Microscopic structure of testis.
4. Supports of uterus.
5. Medial longitudinal arch of foot.
6. Blood supply of long bone.
7. Obturator nerve.
8. Epiploic foramen.
9. Klinefecter’s Syndrome.
10. Menisci of knee joint.
III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Name any two tarsal bones of the foot.
2. Name the muscles causing abduction at wrist joint.
3. Name the terminal branches of sciatic nerve.
4. Name the arteries supplying transverse colon.
5. Name the branches arising from posterior cord of the brachial plexus.
6. Name the muscles present within the deep perineal pounch.
7. Name the parts of the uterine tube.
8. Name the coverings of kidney.
9. Name the two most common positions of appendix.
10. Name the structures piercing the clavipectoral facsia.
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