Tuesday, January 5, 2016

SECOND M.B.B.S.,2009 Question Paper,Paper VI – PHARMACOLOGY – II,Dr.MGR University Question Paper

Dr.MGR University Question Paper
Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations
Q. P. Code : 524066
Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30)
 1. a. Classify drugs used in diabetes mellitus.
 b. Write the mechanism of action, uses of oral hypoglycemic drugs.
 c. Enumerate DNA recombinant derived insulins.
 2. a. Define aminoglycoside antibiotics and enumerate them.
 b. Mechanism of action, common adverse effects of aminoglycosides.
 c. Write the therapeutic uses of gentamicin.
II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Third generation cephalosporins.
2. Drug regimen in H.Pylori.
3. Indications and contra indications of glucocortocoids.
4. Extra malarial uses of chloroquine and its rationale.
5. Anti thyroid drugs.
6. Oral contraceptives.
7. Define chemoprophylaxis give examples with rationale.
8. Pro kinetic drugs.
9. Sucralfate.
 10. Repository preparations of penicillins.
III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Tetracyclines not used in young children – Why?
2. Two uses of D-Penicilamine.
3. Mention two topically used sulfonamides and its uses.
4. Ondensetran as an antiemetic in cancer chemo therapy.
5. Monoclonal antibodies as carriers.
6. Two uses and two adverse effects of vitamin-D.
7. Rationale of L-Asparginase in malignancy.
8. Mention two tocolytic agents and its uses.
9. Therapeutic use and its rationale of finasteride.
 10. Two indications of mebendazole.

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