Dr. MGR University Question Paper
Q. P. Code : 524072
Time : 180 Minutes Maximum: 40 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
1. Complications of Chronic Otitis Media-Factors in the
spread of infection, Classification. Discuss in detail about 16 25 10
Lateral Sinus Thrombosis.
2. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome-AIDS in ENT – Discuss. 16 25 7.5
II. Write notes on:
1. Functions of Larynx. 3 8 1.5
2. Little’s Area. 3 8 1.5
3. Tympanometry. 3 8 1.5
4. Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy. 3 8 1.5
5. Vocal cord paralysis-Theories on position. 3 8 1.5
6. Swimmer’s Ear. 3 8 1.5
7. RhinoCerebral-Phycomycosis. 3 8 1.5
8. Potential Neck Spaces, Acute Reyro Pharyngeal Abscess. 3 8 1.5
9. Ethmoidal Polyp. 3 8 1.5
10. Ototoxicity. 3 8 1.5
III. Short Answers on :
1. Nerve Supply of External Auditory Canal. 1 5 0.5
2. Rhinolalia Aperta-Mention any 3 causes. 1 5 0.5
3. Causes of Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy-any 3 causes. 1 5 0.5
4. Potato Nose. 1 5 0.5
5. White patch on Tonsil-3 conditions. 1 5 0.5
6. Rima Glottidis. 1 5 0.5
7. Functions of Nose-5 functions. 1 5 0.5
8. Valsalva maneuver. 1 5 0.5
9. Tinnitus-Classify. 1 5 0.5
10. Trotter’s Triad. 1 5 0.5
11. Barret’s Oesaphagus 1 5 0.5
12. Gradinigo’s Syndrome 1 5 0.5
13. Orbital Blow out Fracture 1 5 0.5
14. Gerlach’s Tonsil 1 5 0.5
15. Pseudocyst Pinna 1 5 0.5
Q. P. Code : 524072
Time : 180 Minutes Maximum: 40 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
1. Complications of Chronic Otitis Media-Factors in the
spread of infection, Classification. Discuss in detail about 16 25 10
Lateral Sinus Thrombosis.
2. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome-AIDS in ENT – Discuss. 16 25 7.5
II. Write notes on:
1. Functions of Larynx. 3 8 1.5
2. Little’s Area. 3 8 1.5
3. Tympanometry. 3 8 1.5
4. Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy. 3 8 1.5
5. Vocal cord paralysis-Theories on position. 3 8 1.5
6. Swimmer’s Ear. 3 8 1.5
7. RhinoCerebral-Phycomycosis. 3 8 1.5
8. Potential Neck Spaces, Acute Reyro Pharyngeal Abscess. 3 8 1.5
9. Ethmoidal Polyp. 3 8 1.5
10. Ototoxicity. 3 8 1.5
III. Short Answers on :
1. Nerve Supply of External Auditory Canal. 1 5 0.5
2. Rhinolalia Aperta-Mention any 3 causes. 1 5 0.5
3. Causes of Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy-any 3 causes. 1 5 0.5
4. Potato Nose. 1 5 0.5
5. White patch on Tonsil-3 conditions. 1 5 0.5
6. Rima Glottidis. 1 5 0.5
7. Functions of Nose-5 functions. 1 5 0.5
8. Valsalva maneuver. 1 5 0.5
9. Tinnitus-Classify. 1 5 0.5
10. Trotter’s Triad. 1 5 0.5
11. Barret’s Oesaphagus 1 5 0.5
12. Gradinigo’s Syndrome 1 5 0.5
13. Orbital Blow out Fracture 1 5 0.5
14. Gerlach’s Tonsil 1 5 0.5
15. Pseudocyst Pinna 1 5 0.5
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