Sunday, February 7, 2016

MBA Business Regulatory Frame Work Utkal University 2011 Question Paper

Looking for Utkal University Previous Years / Model / Sample / Old Question Paper ? You can find here MBA Business Regulatory Frame Work Question Paper asked in 2011.

Utkal University Question Paper

2011 Question Paper

Course: MBA

Subject : Business Regulatory Frame Work

Time : As in Programme Full Marks: 100

The questions are of equal value.

Answer any five questions.

1 Explain and illustrate the distinction between a contract of indemnity and a contract of guarantee. What is the nature of an insurance contract ?

2. Explain the meaning of contingent contract. Descnbe the rules relating to contingent contracts.

3. Define the term goods. What are the different types of goods ? Explain how is price fixed in contract of sale.

4 What is the effect of provisions of Sec. 31-32 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 on different negotiable instrument ?

5. Describe the different inodes of discharge of liability of parties to a negotiable instrument.

6. Discuss the main features of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. What are the objects which the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 seeks to achieve ?

7. Explain the objectives of FEMA, 1999. What are the obligations of an exportor of goods and services out of India ?

8. Describe the provisions as regards appointment of the Controller of Certifying Authorities. 
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