Looking for University of Rajasthan B.E EICE old question papers ? You can here download 2007 exam paper for ADVANCED MICROPROCESSOR in fourth B.E seventh semester. This question paper is for the course B.E Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering under New four year semester scheme.
(New Four Year Semester Scheme)
(Exam. of 2007 held in Jan. 2008)
[Branch: Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering]
Paper V
Time Allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks-80
Attempt any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1.(a) Explain the operation of the following pins of 8086 microprocessor:-
(i) INTR
(ii) M/IO'
(iii) Status lines (S2',S1',S0')
(iv) BHE'/S7 [Marks:4*2]
(b) Explain the physical memory organization in an 8086 system. [Marks:8]
2.(a) Explain the following addressing modes with suitable examples:-
(i) Indexed
(ii) Register-relative
(iii) Based indexed
(iv) Relative based indexed. [Marks:4*2]
(b) What is interrupt vector table of 8086? Explain its structure. [Marks:8]
3.(a) Explain the operation of the following instructions along with their correct syntax:-
(i) LEA
(ii) XCHG
(iii) DAS
(iv) MOVSW [Marks:4*2]
(b) Write an 8086 program to find out the largest number from an underscored array of 16-bit numbers stored sequentially in the memory locations starting at offset 0500H in the segment 2000H. Also draw the flowchart for the above program. [Marks:8]
4. It is required to interface two chips of 32K*8 ROM and four chips of 32K*8 RAM with 8086 according to the following map:-
ROM 1 and 2: F0000H-FFFFFH
RAM 1 and 2: D0000H-DFFFFH
RAM 3 and 4: E0000H-EFFFFH
Show the implementation of this memory system. [Marks:16]
5.(a) Draw and explain the block diagram of ADC 0808/0809. [Marks:8]
(b) Explain the following registers of 80386:-
(i) Segment descriptor register
(ii) Control register
(iii) System address register
(iv) Debug and test register [Marks:4*2]
6.(a) Explain the protected mode of 80386 without paging unit. [Marks:8]
(b) Explain the process of converting a linear address to a physical address for 80386. [Marks:8]
7. (a) Explain the register organization of 80486 with the help of a diagram. [Marks:8]
(b) Draw and explain Pentium CPU Architecture. [Marks:8]
8. Write short note on any two of the following:-
(a) Min/Max mode of 8086
(b) Keyboard and display interface
(c) Rs. 232 communication standard. [Marks:2*8]
(New Four Year Semester Scheme)
(Exam. of 2007 held in Jan. 2008)
[Branch: Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering]
Paper V
Time Allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks-80
Attempt any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1.(a) Explain the operation of the following pins of 8086 microprocessor:-
(i) INTR
(ii) M/IO'
(iii) Status lines (S2',S1',S0')
(iv) BHE'/S7 [Marks:4*2]
(b) Explain the physical memory organization in an 8086 system. [Marks:8]
2.(a) Explain the following addressing modes with suitable examples:-
(i) Indexed
(ii) Register-relative
(iii) Based indexed
(iv) Relative based indexed. [Marks:4*2]
(b) What is interrupt vector table of 8086? Explain its structure. [Marks:8]
3.(a) Explain the operation of the following instructions along with their correct syntax:-
(i) LEA
(ii) XCHG
(iii) DAS
(iv) MOVSW [Marks:4*2]
(b) Write an 8086 program to find out the largest number from an underscored array of 16-bit numbers stored sequentially in the memory locations starting at offset 0500H in the segment 2000H. Also draw the flowchart for the above program. [Marks:8]
4. It is required to interface two chips of 32K*8 ROM and four chips of 32K*8 RAM with 8086 according to the following map:-
ROM 1 and 2: F0000H-FFFFFH
RAM 1 and 2: D0000H-DFFFFH
RAM 3 and 4: E0000H-EFFFFH
Show the implementation of this memory system. [Marks:16]
5.(a) Draw and explain the block diagram of ADC 0808/0809. [Marks:8]
(b) Explain the following registers of 80386:-
(i) Segment descriptor register
(ii) Control register
(iii) System address register
(iv) Debug and test register [Marks:4*2]
6.(a) Explain the protected mode of 80386 without paging unit. [Marks:8]
(b) Explain the process of converting a linear address to a physical address for 80386. [Marks:8]
7. (a) Explain the register organization of 80486 with the help of a diagram. [Marks:8]
(b) Draw and explain Pentium CPU Architecture. [Marks:8]
8. Write short note on any two of the following:-
(a) Min/Max mode of 8086
(b) Keyboard and display interface
(c) Rs. 232 communication standard. [Marks:2*8]
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