Tuesday, May 3, 2016

BU BBM Marketing Management April May 2015 Question Paper

Looking for BU old question papers? Want 4th semester BBM old / previous question papers? Here is a question paper that was asked for April / May 2015 exams from Bangalore University. The subject of the paper is Marketing Management. Collect the contents provided below.

Bangalore University

IV Semester B.B.M. Examination, April/May 2015

Semester Scheme

Freshers + Repeaters

Business Management

Paper- Marketing Management

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100

Instruction: Answers should be written in English only.


I Answer any eight sub-questions. Each sub question carries two marks. (2x8=16)

1. a. What is marketing mix?

b. What is tele-marketing?

c. Give the meaning of packaging.

d. What is mark-up pricing?

e. State four benefits of branding.

f. Give the meaning of penetrate pricing.

g. What is De-marketing?

h. What is macro environment?

i. Define marketing research.

j. What is grading?


II Answer any three questions. Each question carries eight marks. (3x8=24)

2. Briefly explain the features of rural marketing.

3. Discuss briefly the reasons for product failure.

4. Marketing information is life blood of business. Discuss.

5. Analyse the benefits of advertising.

III Answer question no.10 and and any three of the remaining questions. Each question carries 15 marks. (4x15=60)

6. Explain the controllable and uncontrollable factors of marketing environment.

7.Discuss the importance of consumer behaviour.

8. Explain the stages of product life cycle with a chart. Discuss marketing strategy for each stage.

9. Explain the significance of branding and packaging.

10. Explain the importance of consumer behaviour.

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