Nalanda Open University
Annual Exam-2015 Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (PGDJMC)
Paper-III (Reporting, Writing and Editing)
Exam Year of Question: 2015
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Question Paper Description: Annual Exam 2015 Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (PGDJMC) Paper-III (Reporting, Writing and Editing) Nalanda Open University Question Paper
1. What do you understand by 'news value'? Discuss the concept of objectivity in news.
2. Define interpretative and investigative reporting and state the differences between them.
3. What do you understand by "nose for news"? Explain in detail the responsibilities of a reporter.
4. Describe the difference between general reporting and science reporting and state the sources of Science News.
5. Discuss the implications in covering the proceedings in a legislature.
6. Explain the main components of a feature.
7. Discuss the meaning, characteristics and types of editorials.
8. What are the essential ingredients of quality media scripts? Enumerate.
9. 'A picture speaks louder that words'. In the light of this statement, discuss the various applications of photo editing and how it can add value to news/ feature.
10. Define news editing and describe the principles of news editing.
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