Saturday, July 23, 2016

AMET PE-406 Neutral Gas Engineering May 2015 Question Paper

TIME : 3.00 hours FULL MARKS:100
1. Before attempting the question paper, be sure that you got the correct question paper.
2. The missing data, if any may be assumed suitably.
3. Use the sketches wherever necessary.
PART –A (5×2=10 marks)
Answer ALL questions
1. State the mechanism of natural gas formation.
2. What are the different ways to measure natural gas?
3. List out the components of a compressed air system
4. What is the significance of quality lines in the phase diagram?

5. Define phase velocity
PART –B (5×4=20 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions
6. What is the purpose of using oxygen and Hydrogen in the following industries?
(a) Oil and gas industry
(b) Metal industry
7. Discuss how natural gas is transported in gathering system pipeline.
8. Compare and contrast the differences between reciprocating and rotary compressor
9. The Critical constants of Sulphur hexafluoride are found to be experimentally by using Vander Waal’s equation of state at 45.6°C and pressure 36.557 atm. Determine the Vander Waal’s parameters and Molar volume at 1 atm and 20°C.
10. Sketch out the phase behaviour of natural gas with pressure and volume.
11. Water flows through a pipe AB 1.2 m diameter at 3 m/s and then passes through the pipe BC 1.5 m in diameter. At C, the pipe branches. Branch CD is 0.8 m in diameter and carries one third of the flow in AB. The flow velocity in branch CE is 2.5 m/s.Determine the flow rate in AB, velocity in CD, velocity in BC and the diameter of CE
12. What is a retrograde phenomenon? Explain it with a neat diagram.
13. Explain the importance of studying multiphase flow terminologies in natural gas.

PART –C (5×14=70 marks)
Answer ALL questions
14. (a) (i) Explain about the conventional and unconventional gases that come out from the reservoirs.
 (ii) Write down the physical properties of natural gas.
(b) (i) Describe the working principle of a horizontal separator with a neat diagram
 (ii) A gas well is producing gas with a specific gravity of 0.65 at a rate of 1.1 MMscf/day. The average reservoir pressure and temperature are 1500 Psia and 150°F. Calculate:
a. Apparent molecular weight of the gas
b. Gas density at reservoir conditions
c. Flow rate in lb/day
15. (a) With the help of a neat flowsheet, explain the removal of sour gases from natural gas. Also mention its advantages.
(b) Estimate the molar volume and compressibility factor for ethane gas at 373 k and 10 bar. The critical temperature and pressure are 250 K, 8 bar with an accentric factor of 0.25. Assume the gas follows SRK EOS.
16. (a) (i) Explain about the work done in a multistage compression process.
 (ii) An 8-inch PVC pipe 1000 ft long is used to convey water by gravity from one reservoir to another having a difference in water surface elevations of 30 ft. Find the discharge through the pipe. If 100 ft of both ends of this pipe is replaced by a 5-inch PVC pipe, what is the new discharge through the pipe?
(b) In a single stage acting air compressor the index of compression and expansion may be taken as 1.2 and it may be assumed that the area obtained is increased by 10% by valve suction. The clearance volume may be assumed to be 1/19 th of the swept volume. A compressor of this type is required of capable of compressing 7.6 cubic meter of free air per minute from 100 Kpa to 900 Kpa. The compressor runs at 240 rpm with a mean piston speed of 220 m/min. Find the bore and stroke
of the cylinder and the work done per revolution.
17. (a) Derive the fundamental fluid flow equation in porous media.
(b) (i) For a binary system, two phases can exist in equilibrium at various pressures at the same temperature; explain this statement with phase behavior of a hydrocarbon component system.
 (ii) State the Weymouth equation in different units with its applications.
18. (a) Describe about the transient multiphase flow with the help of a suitable flow model.
 (b) What is multiphase flow? Discuss in detail about the flow regime patterns in horizontal and vertical pipes with a neat diagram.
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