Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2015
B.A. Political Science (Honours), Part-III
Paper-VIII (Indian Political Thought)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain Kautilya's views on Kingship.
2. Discuss the theory of Mandala as enunciated by Kautilya.
3. Critically examine Tilaks' Ideas concerning 'Swaraj'.
4. Describe political ideas of Swami Vivekanand.
5. Discuss M.N. Roy's ideas on democracy.
6. Describe the social and religious ideas of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
7. Gandhiji was a Practical Idealist. Do you agree? Give arguments.
8. Nehru was the architect of the theory of Peaceful Coexistence and Panchsheel. Explain.
9. Examine Lohia's theory of "Seven Revolution".
10. Examine ideas of M.N. Roy on New Humanism.
Annual Examination - 2015
B.A. Political Science (Honours), Part-III
Paper-VIII (Indian Political Thought)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain Kautilya's views on Kingship.
2. Discuss the theory of Mandala as enunciated by Kautilya.
3. Critically examine Tilaks' Ideas concerning 'Swaraj'.
4. Describe political ideas of Swami Vivekanand.
5. Discuss M.N. Roy's ideas on democracy.
6. Describe the social and religious ideas of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
7. Gandhiji was a Practical Idealist. Do you agree? Give arguments.
8. Nehru was the architect of the theory of Peaceful Coexistence and Panchsheel. Explain.
9. Examine Lohia's theory of "Seven Revolution".
10. Examine ideas of M.N. Roy on New Humanism.
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