Saturday, July 16, 2016

University of Calcutta B.A Sociology Paper V to VIII 2008 Question Paper

University of Calcutta Old Question Paper
Full Marks-100
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable The figures in the margin indicate full marks
Group-A Answers Question No.5 and any two from the rest

1. Examine Pareto’s conception of Logical and Non-Logical Action. [marks-15]

2. Discuss Simmel’s concept of Formal Sociology. [Marks-15]

3. Write a note on Weber’s Thesis on “The Protestant Ethic and the sprite of Capitalism. [Marks-15]

4. State the importance of Ideal Type as a methodological tool in Weber’s Sociology. [Marks-15]

5. Write short notes on any four of the following: [Marks- 5*4]
(a) The features of Bureaucracy as given by Weber.
(b) Pareto’s idea of the circulation of Elites.
(c) The importance of Residue and Derivation in the sociology of paret
(d) The relationship of individual and society of Simmel’s sociology.
(e) Traditional Authority.
(f) Weber’s concept of Social Action.
(g) Charismatic authority.


Answers Question No. 10 and any two from the rest

6. Examine what Benoy Kumar Sarkar mean by the Positive Background of Indian Sociology. [Marks-15]

7. How does G. S.Ghurye examine the relationship of culture and socity in India? [Marks-15]

8. Discuss D.P.Mukerji’s methodology for the study of society. [Marks-15]

9. Discuss the dialectical approach to the study of society Indian sociology. [Marks-15]

10. Write short notes on any four of the following: [Marks- 5*4]
(a) D. P.’s concept of personality.
(b) The importance of the caste system in maintaining cohesion in Indian society.
(c) B. K. Sarkar’s notion of progress as creative disequilibrium.
(d) D. P.’s interpretation of tradition and social change in India.
(e) What is meant by Indology.
(f) B. K. Sarkar’s idea of personality.
(g) Ghurye on Indian tribes as backward Hindu.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable The figures in the margin indicate full marks

Group-A Answers Question No.5 and any two from the rest

1. Examine the sources of diversities in Indian society. Are these responsible for the growth of regionalism in India? Give reasons for your answer. [marks-15]

2. Distinguish between the joint family and the nuclear family. Do you think that Indian family is shifting towards nuclearization? Give reasons in support of your concept. [marks-5+10]

3. What does Srinibas mean by ‘Sanskritization’? Make critical analyses of the concept. [marks-15]

4. Write a note on the nature of Tribal problems in India to-day. [marks-15]

5. Write short notes on any four of the folowing . [Marks- 5*4]
(a) The bases of Indian Unity.
(b) Kinship
(c) Dominant caste
(d) Westernization
(e) Totemism


Answers Question No. 10 and any two from the rest

6. Examine the nature of village solidarity in traditional India. [marks-15]

7. Discuss the relationship between Civil society and state in India. [marks-15]

8. Evaluate the impact of Globalization on Indian Society. [marks-15]

9. Discuss the objectives and problems of working class movement in post-independent India. [marks-15]

10. Write short notes on any four of the following:
(a) Panchayati Raj
(b) Feminism
(c) Power elite in rural India
(d) Modernization
(e) Dalit movement
(f) Impact of industrialization on family in India
(g) The role of the jajmani system in social integration in India

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

Group-A Answers Question No.5 and any two from the rest

1. Show how culture influences the fertility behavior of a society with special reference to India. Mention, in this connection, the population policy of the Indian government. [marks-7+8]

2. Define migration. Discuss from the Indian context the principles causes and consequences of migration. [marks-5+10]

3. Explain the process of cultural modernization in India. [marks-15]

4. What is urbanization? Discuss the specific patterns of urbanization in India. [marks-10+5]

5. Write short notes on any four of the following: [Marks- 5*4]
(a) The importance of traditional values in the Indian society.
(b) Different forms of communalism in India.
(c) Secularism in India.
(d) Urbanization and social transformation
(e) Nature of ecological problems in India
(f) Migration and social conflict
(g) Conflicts in social values


Answers Question No. 10 and any two from the rest

6. What are the different types of child abuse? Explain the rising incidence of child abuse in West Bengal. [marks-10+5]

7. What are the social indicators of poverty? Write a note on the nature of poverty in India. [marks-5+10]

8. Analyse the role of divorce in the changing scenario of the modern Indian society and state how it affects in the status of woman in India. [marks-15]

9. Write an essay on mass Literacy Progarmme in India. [marks-15]

10. Write short notes on any four of the following: [Marks-5*4]
(a) Form of violence against women.
(b) Major features of NGO.
(c) Problems of Old age.
(d) Areas of child labour in India.
(e) Poverty alleviation programme adopted by the Government of India.
(f) Measurement of poverty.
(g) Child labour legislation in India.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
The figures in the margin indicate full marks

Group- A Answers Question No.5 and any two from the rest

1. Analyse, following macro and micro sociological perspectives, the concept of society. [marks-15]

2. Examine the basic arguments of functionalism. [marks-15]

3. How did Dahrendorf redefine the Marxian concept of Class? Analyse his postulates on the consequences of conflict. [marks-15]

4. Write a note on Homans’ contribution of exchange theory. [marks-15]

5. Write short notes on any four of the following: [Marks-5*4]
(a) What is middle range theory?
(b) Distinguish between function and dysfunction.
(c) Write on a principal contribution of Blau to exchange theory.
(d) Distinguish between realistic and non-realistic conflict.
(e) Write briefly on Coser’s contribution to the theory of conflict.
(f) Explain the AGIL model.
(g) What is grand theory?

Answers Question No. 10 and any two from the rest

6. Examine Mead’s concept of mind, self and society. [marks-15]

7. Discuss, following the arguments of critical sociology, the concept of Instrumental Reason. [marks-15]

8. Examine the principal agenda of feminist sociology. [marks-15]

9. How do post-modernism criticize the fundamental claims of modern sociological theory [marks-15]

10. Write short notes on any four of the following: [Marks-5*4]
(a) Point out the basic arguments of symbolic interactionism.
(b) What does Bulmer mean by process?
(c) What do you meant by Modernity?
(d) What do you mean by Authoritarian Personality?
(e) What is Negative Dialectics?
(f) What is Post-feminism?
(g) What does Marcuse mean by the term “one-dimentional man”?
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