University of Calcutta Old Question Paper
N (1st)-New-Sociology-H-1
2008 Question Paper
(New Syllabus)
Full Marks-100
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable The figures in the margin indicates full marks
Group – A
Answer Q. No. 5 and any two from the rest
1. Point out the distinctiveness of sociological perspective vis-à-vis the perspective of other Social sciences. [Marks-15]
2. What is meant by culture in sociology? What are its universal features? What is meant by Cultural specificity? [Marks-5+5+5]
3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of pre-modern and modern societies? [Marks-15]
4. Define social change. Identify the factors of social change. [Marks-15]
5. Write short notes on any four : [Marks-5*4]
(a) Sociology and common sense
(b) Social Interaction
(c) Micro-sociology and macro sociology
(d) Practical significance of sociology
(e) Socialization and individual freedom
(f) Traditional states
(g) Importance of symbol and language in human culture.
Group – B
Answer Q. No. 10 and any two from the rest
6. Discuss the worldwide changes in family in family system. [Marks-15]
7. Evaluate labeling theory as an explanation of criminal behavior.[Marks-15]
8. What do you mean by ethnicity? What are the major reasons behind ethnic antagonism? [Marks-15]
9. Write a note on ‘Gender-stratification’. [Marks-15]
10. Write short notes on any four : [Marks-5*4]
(a) Gender-socialization
(b) Divorce and separation
(c) Social deviance
(d) Social mobility
(e) Characteristics of bureaucratic organization
(f) Domestic violence
(g) Poverty and inequality
University of Culcutta Old Previous Question Paper
N (1st)-New-Sociology-H-2
2008 Question Paper
(New Syllabus)
Full Marks-100
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable The figures in the margin indicates full marks
Group – A
Answer Question No. 5 and any two from the rest
1. Discuss the impact of Industrial Revolution and French Revolution On the development of sociological thought. [Marks-15]
2. Examine the contribution of Saint-Simon to the development of Sociology. [Marks-15]
3. Examine, after comte, the place of sociology in the hierarchy of the sciences and the implications of this view for sociology. [Marks-15]
4. Analyse Spencer’s contribution to the theory of social evolution.[Marks-15]
5. Write short notes on any four : [Marks-5*4]
(a) French revolution
(b) The University Revolution
(c) Comte on the theological stage of social development
(d) Positivism
(e) Social dynamics
(f) Spencer on society as super organism
(g) Spencer’s distinctions between Military and Industrial types of society.
Group – B
Answer Question No. 10 and any two from the rest
6. Examine the rules of sociological method as discussed by Durkheim? [Marks-15]
7. Asses Durkheim contribution to the sociology of religion. [Marks-15]
8. What are the principles of the Marxian dialecties? How do they help the study of society? [Marks-10+5]
9. Discuss, after Marx the relationship between the Base and the Superstructure. [Marks-15]
10. Write short notes on any four : [Marks-5*4]
(a)Mechanical solidarity and Organic solidarity
(b)Function of Restitutive Law
(c)Anomic suicide
(d)mode of Production
(e)Alienation and objectification
(f)Class struggle
(g)Relative autonomy of the state.
N (1st)-New-Sociology-H-1
2008 Question Paper
(New Syllabus)
Full Marks-100
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable The figures in the margin indicates full marks
Group – A
Answer Q. No. 5 and any two from the rest
1. Point out the distinctiveness of sociological perspective vis-à-vis the perspective of other Social sciences. [Marks-15]
2. What is meant by culture in sociology? What are its universal features? What is meant by Cultural specificity? [Marks-5+5+5]
3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of pre-modern and modern societies? [Marks-15]
4. Define social change. Identify the factors of social change. [Marks-15]
5. Write short notes on any four : [Marks-5*4]
(a) Sociology and common sense
(b) Social Interaction
(c) Micro-sociology and macro sociology
(d) Practical significance of sociology
(e) Socialization and individual freedom
(f) Traditional states
(g) Importance of symbol and language in human culture.
Group – B
Answer Q. No. 10 and any two from the rest
6. Discuss the worldwide changes in family in family system. [Marks-15]
7. Evaluate labeling theory as an explanation of criminal behavior.[Marks-15]
8. What do you mean by ethnicity? What are the major reasons behind ethnic antagonism? [Marks-15]
9. Write a note on ‘Gender-stratification’. [Marks-15]
10. Write short notes on any four : [Marks-5*4]
(a) Gender-socialization
(b) Divorce and separation
(c) Social deviance
(d) Social mobility
(e) Characteristics of bureaucratic organization
(f) Domestic violence
(g) Poverty and inequality
University of Culcutta Old Previous Question Paper
N (1st)-New-Sociology-H-2
2008 Question Paper
(New Syllabus)
Full Marks-100
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable The figures in the margin indicates full marks
Group – A
Answer Question No. 5 and any two from the rest
1. Discuss the impact of Industrial Revolution and French Revolution On the development of sociological thought. [Marks-15]
2. Examine the contribution of Saint-Simon to the development of Sociology. [Marks-15]
3. Examine, after comte, the place of sociology in the hierarchy of the sciences and the implications of this view for sociology. [Marks-15]
4. Analyse Spencer’s contribution to the theory of social evolution.[Marks-15]
5. Write short notes on any four : [Marks-5*4]
(a) French revolution
(b) The University Revolution
(c) Comte on the theological stage of social development
(d) Positivism
(e) Social dynamics
(f) Spencer on society as super organism
(g) Spencer’s distinctions between Military and Industrial types of society.
Group – B
Answer Question No. 10 and any two from the rest
6. Examine the rules of sociological method as discussed by Durkheim? [Marks-15]
7. Asses Durkheim contribution to the sociology of religion. [Marks-15]
8. What are the principles of the Marxian dialecties? How do they help the study of society? [Marks-10+5]
9. Discuss, after Marx the relationship between the Base and the Superstructure. [Marks-15]
10. Write short notes on any four : [Marks-5*4]
(a)Mechanical solidarity and Organic solidarity
(b)Function of Restitutive Law
(c)Anomic suicide
(d)mode of Production
(e)Alienation and objectification
(f)Class struggle
(g)Relative autonomy of the state.
Pen down your valuable important comments below