University : Lucknow University
A-5 B.A. (Part-II) Examination, 2015
(New Course)
First Paper
Time Allowed : Three Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Attempt five questions in all, choosing one question form each of the four units. Question
No.1 is compulsory.
1. Write short answer/ explanations to the following : 2×10=20
(i) Comment on Tragi-Comedy.
(ii) Write a note on Poetic-Drama.
(iii) Comment on the character of ‘Yank’ in The Hairy Ape.
(iv) Write a note on the melodramatic element in The Hairy Ape
(v) Justify the character of Morell in Candida.
(vi) Write on the theme of Candida.
A-5 B.A. (Part-II) Examination, 2015
(New Course)
First Paper
Time Allowed : Three Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 50
Note : Attempt five questions in all, choosing one question form each of the four units. Question
No.1 is compulsory.
1. Write short answer/ explanations to the following : 2×10=20
(i) Comment on Tragi-Comedy.
(ii) Write a note on Poetic-Drama.
(iii) Comment on the character of ‘Yank’ in The Hairy Ape.
(iv) Write a note on the melodramatic element in The Hairy Ape
(v) Justify the character of Morell in Candida.
(vi) Write on the theme of Candida.
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