Monday, October 24, 2016

EE2301 Power Electronics May June 2014 Question Paper

Anna University Chennai
Question Paper Code : 51440
Fifth Semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
EE 2301/EE 51/10133 EE 504/10144 EE 504 — POWER ELECTRONICS
(Common to Instrumentation and Control Engineering)
(Regulation 2008/2010)
(Common to PTEE 2301 Power Electronics for B.E (Part-Time) Fourth Semester — Electrical and Electronics Engineering — Regulation 2009)
Time : Three hours

Note: New Subject Code of the Question Paper in R-2013 is EE6503

Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PART A — (10 x 2 20 marks)
1.Define Latching current and Holding current.
2.Compare power MOSFET and BJT.
3.Compare half controlled rectifier and full controlled rectifier.
4.What is Dual converter? Mention its functional mode of operation.
5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of Cuk converter?
6.What are the circuit configurations used for SMPS?
7.What are the advantages of PWM control in inverters?
8.Compare vsl and CSI.
9.What is the control range of firing angle in AC voltage controller with R — L load?
10. What is Matrix converter?

PART B — (5 x 16 80 marks)
1. a (i) Explain the operation of SCR using two transistor analogy.
(ii) Briefly discuss the V — I characteristics of SCR.
b. (i) Explain the switching characteristics of power MOSFET.
(ii) Briefly explain about the power MOSFET protection circuits.

2.a. (i)Discuss the effect of source inductance on the performance of single phase full converter.
(ii) Explain the two functional modes of Dual converter with necessary diagrams.

3.a.Explain the operation of class-C and class-D types of two quadrant choppers.
b.Draw the powe circuit. diagram of Cuk regulator and explain its operation with e 'valent circuit for different modes with necessary waveforms.

4. a.Discuss the functioning of three phase voltage source inverter in 120 degree operating mode.
b. (i) Explain the working of series inverter with the aid of circuit diagram.
(ii) Explain different PWM techniques in detail.

5.a. With the aid of circuit diagram and waveform explain the operation of (i) Power factor control in AC voltage regulation.
(ii) Single phase full wave AC voltage controller.
b.Draw the circuit diagram of three phase to single phase cycloconverter and explain its operation with necessary waveforms.
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