Wednesday, November 16, 2016

GE6081 Fundamentals of Nanoscience Nov Dec 2016 Important Questions

Anna University Chennai
Eighth Semester
Mechanical Engineering
GE6081 Fundamentals of Nanoscience
(Common to Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Chemical Engineering)
(Regulation 2013)
Nov Dec 2016 Important Questions

Part A (2 Marks) Important Questions of GE6081 Fundamentals of Nanoscience:
1. How will you attain “xerogel” by sol-gel process? Write the reaction steps.
2. Mention the operation of planetary ball mill process.
3. Outline the process of inert gas condensation.
4. Distinguish between micro-hardness and nano-indentation test.
5. What are secondary electrons? Mention its role on microstructure image reconstruction.
6. State Sheerer formula. Calculate crystallite size of nanoparticle with FWHM – 0.8, λ = 0.154 nm and θ = 30˚.
7. Define quantum dots.
8. Define nanomaterials.
9. Explain briefly about gold nanoparticles.
10. Define self-assembly.
11. Discuss briefly on lab-on-a chip system and its advantages.
12. What is single electron transistor?
13. What is meant by nano-manipulation? Explain with one example using STM.
14. Explain single electron effect due to coulomb interaction and quantum confinement.
15. Write three differences between bulk materials and nanomaterials.
16. Brief about graphenes and fullerenes.

Part B (16 Marks) Important Questions of GE6081 Fundamentals of Nanoscience:
1. (i) Explain the fabrication of a nanostructure by atomic layer epitaxy.
(ii) Discuss how its surface microstructure and chemical composition analysis can be done using scanning electron microscope with EDAX.
2. (i) Explain the principle and instrument design of MBE.
(ii) Explain the self assembly process with suitable example.
3. Demonstrate the operation of nano indentation using an Atomic force Microscope and enumerate its applications.
4. (i) State the necessary conditions for diffraction and explain the experimental set-up of powder diffraction unit.
(ii)Enumerate the complete X-ray diffraction procedure for crystal structure analysis.
5. (i) Illustrate fabrication of semiconductor quantum dot, nano rod and nano tube by appropriate fabrication processes.
(ii) Plot the density of states Vs energy of 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D system.
6. (i) Investigate the interplanar spacing by HRTEM with suitable nanostructure image.
(ii)Explain the indexing of planes with electron diffraction pattern.
7. (i) Explain the properties and applications of magnetic nanoparticles.
(ii)Discuss the fabrication, characteristics and application of nanofibers.
8. Write short notes on : a)Quantum dots b)Nano wires c) nano particles d) ultra thin films
9. (i) Write the properties and applications of gold nanoparticles.
(ii) What are magnetic nanoparticles? Explain two of their applications.
10. (i) Explain the preparation and applications of Multilayered materials.
(ii)Describe any one method for the production of nanoparticles.
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  1. plz Update fundamental of nanoscience fast

    1. Thanks for Informing. Will be updated tonight at 10:00 pm... Preparing the questions now.


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