Important questions / expected questions for Nov Dec 2016 GE6251 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering examinations conducting by Anna University Chennai
02nd Semester / II Semester / Second Year
Automobile Engineering
GE6251 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering
(Regulation 2013)
Nov Dec 2016 Important Questions
Important 16 Marks Questions (All five units) are listed for GE6251 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering Subject
1. Explain with neat sketch prismatic compass and principles of compass surveying. (16)
2. Explain with neat sketch 20 m chain and principles of chain surveying. (16)
3. What are the requirements of good building stone & state important varieties of Building stones (16)
4. What are the different types of cement? Explain the properties and uses? (16)
5. The following perpendicular offset were taken at 10 meter intervals from an Survey line to an irregular boundary line 3.145 m, 4.30 m, 8.20 m, 5.60 m,7.60 m, 4.2 m, 5.6 m, 4.3 m
6. Explain with neat sketch the different types of piles.
7. List out the different types of bond in brick wall and explain any three in detail.
8. Draw a neat sketch of a reinforced cement concrete column and explain.
9. Explain the types of floor suitable for residential and commercial building.
10. Explain briefly the different types of pitched roof coverings.
11. Explain working principle of thermal power plant with neat sketch
12. Explain working principle of nuclear power plant with neat sketch. (16)
13. a) Explain working principle of Gas turbine Power plant with neat sketch. (12)
b) Write its advantages and disadvantages (4)
14. a) With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Centrifugal Pump (8)
b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Impulse Turbine (8)
15. a) Explain working principle of Diesel Engine Power plant with neat sketch. (12)
b) Write its advantages and disadvantages (4)
16.. Describe the principal parts and functions of a Four Stroke Disel engine with neat sketch (16)
17. Describe the principal parts and functions of a Four Stroke Petrol engine with neat sketch (16)
18. Describe the principal parts and functions of a Two Stroke Disel engine with neat sketch (16)
19. Describe the principal parts and functions of a Two Stroke Petrol engine with neat sketch (16)
20. Describe the principal parts and functions of any one high pressure boiler with neat sketch (16)
21. Explain the principle and working of vapour compression refrigeration system
22. Explain the principle and working of the vapour absorption refrigeration system
23. Explain the layout of the split type air conditioning system
24. Explain the summer air-conditioning system for hot and dry weather
25. With the neat sketch explain the layout of a window room air conditioning
For related study materials such as Previous Years Question Papers, Subject Notes, 2 Marks with Answers, 16 Marks with answers, Question Bank, Lecture Notes for GE6251 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Use search box of our website,
02nd Semester / II Semester / Second Year
Automobile Engineering
GE6251 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering
(Regulation 2013)
Nov Dec 2016 Important Questions
Important 16 Marks Questions (All five units) are listed for GE6251 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering Subject
1. Explain with neat sketch prismatic compass and principles of compass surveying. (16)
2. Explain with neat sketch 20 m chain and principles of chain surveying. (16)
3. What are the requirements of good building stone & state important varieties of Building stones (16)
4. What are the different types of cement? Explain the properties and uses? (16)
5. The following perpendicular offset were taken at 10 meter intervals from an Survey line to an irregular boundary line 3.145 m, 4.30 m, 8.20 m, 5.60 m,7.60 m, 4.2 m, 5.6 m, 4.3 m
6. Explain with neat sketch the different types of piles.
7. List out the different types of bond in brick wall and explain any three in detail.
8. Draw a neat sketch of a reinforced cement concrete column and explain.
9. Explain the types of floor suitable for residential and commercial building.
10. Explain briefly the different types of pitched roof coverings.
11. Explain working principle of thermal power plant with neat sketch
12. Explain working principle of nuclear power plant with neat sketch. (16)
13. a) Explain working principle of Gas turbine Power plant with neat sketch. (12)
b) Write its advantages and disadvantages (4)
14. a) With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Centrifugal Pump (8)
b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of Impulse Turbine (8)
15. a) Explain working principle of Diesel Engine Power plant with neat sketch. (12)
b) Write its advantages and disadvantages (4)
16.. Describe the principal parts and functions of a Four Stroke Disel engine with neat sketch (16)
17. Describe the principal parts and functions of a Four Stroke Petrol engine with neat sketch (16)
18. Describe the principal parts and functions of a Two Stroke Disel engine with neat sketch (16)
19. Describe the principal parts and functions of a Two Stroke Petrol engine with neat sketch (16)
20. Describe the principal parts and functions of any one high pressure boiler with neat sketch (16)
21. Explain the principle and working of vapour compression refrigeration system
22. Explain the principle and working of the vapour absorption refrigeration system
23. Explain the layout of the split type air conditioning system
24. Explain the summer air-conditioning system for hot and dry weather
25. With the neat sketch explain the layout of a window room air conditioning
For related study materials such as Previous Years Question Papers, Subject Notes, 2 Marks with Answers, 16 Marks with answers, Question Bank, Lecture Notes for GE6251 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Use search box of our website,
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