Old Question Paper of RGPV for AU 705 7th Semester
R.G.P.V. Bhopal (MP)
Course: B.E Automobile Engineering
B.E. (7th Semester) EXAM, DEC-2010
Time: 3Hrs Max Marks: 100 Min Marks: 35
Note : Attempt any five questions.All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) Explain the difference between finite element analysis and conventional analysis . List the benefit of FEA ? 10
(b) Derive the equation of motion for dynamic analysis Mx + Kx = 0 ? 10
Where M = mass matrix
x =acceleration matrix
K = stiffness matrix
x = displacement matrix 20
Q.2 (a) Explain the following terms : ? 10
I. skeletal structures
II. Continuum structures
(b) What does the term boundary condition mean and explain any one method for its application in structural engineering ? 10
Q.3 Define shape function for 2- D triangular and rectangular elements ? 20
Q.4 For the triangular element shown in fig. 1 obtain the strain – displacement matrix B ? 20
Q.5 (a) Explain the need of global co-ordinate system ? 10
(b) Explain the following computer storage scheme of matrix ? 10
(i) Banded matrix
(ii) Skyline matrix
Q.6 (a) Explain the usen of quadratic and cubic elements in analysis of iso – parameteric element ? 10
(b) Explain the use of natural or intrinsic co-ordinate system ? 10
Q 7 Consider the four bar truss shown in fig. 2. Determine: 20
(a ) Stiffness matrix for all element
(b) Assembled stiffness matrix for entire truss.
Q.8 Write short note on any four of the following : 5 each
(a) Hamilton's principle
(b) Mass matrix
(c) Software packages for FEM
(d) Gaussian elimination
(e) Advantage of FEM
(f) Mode shapes
R.G.P.V. Bhopal (MP)
Course: B.E Automobile Engineering
B.E. (7th Semester) EXAM, DEC-2010
Time: 3Hrs Max Marks: 100 Min Marks: 35
Note : Attempt any five questions.All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) Explain the difference between finite element analysis and conventional analysis . List the benefit of FEA ? 10
(b) Derive the equation of motion for dynamic analysis Mx + Kx = 0 ? 10
Where M = mass matrix
x =acceleration matrix
K = stiffness matrix
x = displacement matrix 20
Q.2 (a) Explain the following terms : ? 10
I. skeletal structures
II. Continuum structures
(b) What does the term boundary condition mean and explain any one method for its application in structural engineering ? 10
Q.3 Define shape function for 2- D triangular and rectangular elements ? 20
Q.4 For the triangular element shown in fig. 1 obtain the strain – displacement matrix B ? 20
Q.5 (a) Explain the need of global co-ordinate system ? 10
(b) Explain the following computer storage scheme of matrix ? 10
(i) Banded matrix
(ii) Skyline matrix
Q.6 (a) Explain the usen of quadratic and cubic elements in analysis of iso – parameteric element ? 10
(b) Explain the use of natural or intrinsic co-ordinate system ? 10
Q 7 Consider the four bar truss shown in fig. 2. Determine: 20
(a ) Stiffness matrix for all element
(b) Assembled stiffness matrix for entire truss.
Q.8 Write short note on any four of the following : 5 each
(a) Hamilton's principle
(b) Mass matrix
(c) Software packages for FEM
(d) Gaussian elimination
(e) Advantage of FEM
(f) Mode shapes
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