Gauhati University Question Paper
Paper : 1.2
(Advanced Educational Psychology)
Full Marks : 64
Time : Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Mention different types of Conditioning Theories. Discuss Skinner's Operant Conditioning theory with its educational implications. 2+5+5=12
Discuss the Constructivist theory of learning by Piaget. 12
2. Explain the theory of Identical Elements. What measures a teacher can adopt to maximise transfer' of learning ? 6+6=12
"Motivation is the sine-qua-non of learning" — Explain. What is intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation ? 8+4=12
3. Describe briefly the nature of intelligence. Discuss the concept of social intelligence and emotional intelligence. 6+6=12
Discuss the influence of Heredity and Environment on intelligence with examples. 12
4. Write the characteristics of Problem Solving. Why is problem solving important in learning ? 6+6=12
Discuss the Nature of Creativity. How can creative students be identified ? What special arrangements should be made for their development ? 3+3+6=12
37 (EDN-1) 1.2/G 2 5. Discuss the Freudian viewpoint of Personality Development. 16
Write notes on any two of the following : 8x2=16
(a) Mental Hygiene
(b) Adjustment Mechanism
(c) Maturation in Learning
(d) Concept of Multiple Intelligence.
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