Gauhati University Question Paper
37 (EDN- 1) 1.3
Paper : 1.3
( Educational Technology)
Full Marks : 64
Time : Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. "Educational Technology is the scientific application of scientific knowledge about teaching-learning." Explain. 12
Explain the Scope of Educational Technology. Highlight the role of Educational Technology
in distance education. 6+6=12
2. Explain the concept of system approach to education. How can system approach be applied in a classroom ? Support your answer with suitable examples. 4+8=12
What is meant by the term 'Instructional Design' ? Describe its major approaches. 4+8=12
3. What is meant by Programmed instruction ? Explain the steps for development of programme instruction. 4+8=12
"Programmed instruction has a wide use and bright future." Justify the statement in the light of the applications of programmed instruction. 12
4. What is Computer-assisted instruction ? State its characteristics and advantages. 4+4+4=12
What is Behavioural Technology ? Discuss its various uses and applications. 4+8=12
5. Elucidate in detail, Flander's Ten-Category System by outlining encoding and decoding process. 16
Write short notes on : (any two) 8x2=16
(a) Role of internet in Education
(b) Computer Aided Evaluation (CAE)
(c) E-learning tools
(d) Teleconferencing.
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