Alagappa University
Distance Education
B.Com Degree Examination, May 2021.
Fourth Semester
Office Management
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 marks
Section A - (10×2=20 marks)
Answer all questions
1. Define Office Management.
2. What is Office Organization?
3. What is meant by office layout?
4. Write short note on office Manual.
5. What is meant by Office Environment?
6. Define system.
7. What is box files?
8. What is word processing?
9. What is PIN code?
10. What are office equipments?
Section B - (5×5=25 marks)
Answer all questions choosing either (a) or (b)
11.a) Bring out the importance of office management.
b) Difference between line and staff organization.
12.a) What are the objectives of office system?
b) What are the advantages of measuring office work?
13.a) What are the essentials of forms design?
b) Explain the purchase system of stationery?
14.a) What are the object of record management?
b) Define Correspondence. State it's importance.
15.a) State the major classifications of mailing.
b) What is data? Explain its types.
Section C - (3×10=30 marks)
Answer any Three questions
16. Explain the functions of modern office.
17. What is filing? Explain the various methods.
18. Describe the barriers to Communication.
19. What is meant by data processing system? Also, point out the uses and limitations of EDP.
20. Discuss the factors to be considered while selecting office furniture.
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