Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Old Question Paper
No. of Printed Pages : 3 IET-581(F)
B.Tech. Civil (Construction Management) I
B.Tech. Civil (Water Resources Engineering)
Question Paper Code: 00652
Term-End Examination
June, 2019
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Attempt any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What are the different types of concrete buckets ? How would you define mass concrete ? 7
2. List down the factors which affect the selection of a construction equipment. 7
3. What are pile hammers and how are they rated ? Name the principal type of hammers and describe the working principle of each type.
4. Differentiate between any one of the following : 7
(a) Cable controlled bulldozer and Hydraulic controlled bulldozer.
(b) Wheel mounted bulldozer and Crawler mounted bulldozer.
5. Discuss the different types of equipment used for concreting operation with their working principle. 7
6. Describe the role of construction equipment in speedy and economical completion of large construction projects. 7
7. Compare the mechanism and operation of the power shovel and the dragline. Under what conditions is each machine useful ? 7
8. Describe the mechanism of a scraper and its operation. Under what soil and valley conditions is the use of a scraper justified ? 7
9. Classify cranes on the basis of broad construction features. Explain the application of each type and its method of operation. 7
10. Describe the key operations involved in excavation and concreting of tunnels. 7
11. Distinguish between cableways and ropeways.
Describe the role of these two systems of conveying in handling
(i) raw material for an aggregate crushing plant, and
(ii) concrete for placement in a dam. 7
12. Write short notes on any two of the following : 2 x 3 1/2 =7
(a) Salvage value and book value of an equipment
(b) Priming system for centrifugal pump
(c) Hoes
(d) Availability of spare parts
(e) Butterfly valve
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