IGNOU Old Question Paper
No. of Printed Pages : 3
Term-End Examination, 2019
Time : 3 Hours] 'Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Attempt any five questions. Support your answers with neat sketches. All the questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Discuss the various factors affecting soil formation. [7]
(b) What do you mean by Soil Structure ? Discuss the structural classification. [7]
2. (a) Explain three phase volume and mass relationship of soil with the help of a schematic diagram. [7]
(b) Describe the laws governing fluid flow in soil. [7]
3. (a) Discuss the factors responsible for acidic soil formation. Write at least three effects of acidic soils. [7]
(b) What are alluvial soils and how are they formed ? [7]
4. (a) List essential plant nutrients. Discuss the basis for classifying a mineral nutrient to be primary, secondary or micro. [7]
(b) Describe the stages in Indirect Land Evaluation with the help of a schematic diagram. [7]
5. (a) Explain the symbols used in describing soil horizon and their respective meanings. [7]
(b) Describe Symbiotic and Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation in soils. [7]
6. (a) Explain the organic matter decomposition and formation of humic substances in soil with the help of a neat sketch. [7]
(b) Describe at least seven symptoms of plant disease. [7]
Differentiate between the following : [4x3/2]
(a) Active and Reserve acidity
(b) Red soil and Lateritic soil
(c) Manure and Fertiliser
(d) Gravitational and total hydraulic heads
8. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Soil colour
(b) Buffering
(c) Soil Morphology
(d) Carbon cycle [4 x 31/2]
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