IGNOU Old Question Paper
No. of Printed Pages : 3 ET-533(A)
Term-End Examination
June, 2019
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Use of scientific calculator is permitted. Assume any data suitably, if not given.
Write a note on irrigation water quality standards. Also discuss the quality variation based on source of water. 10
(b) Salt concentration of a sample is measured as 10 milli mho/cm. Express this in ppm. 4
2. (a) Define Evapotranspiration. Draw a neat sketch showing variation of crop coefficient (Kc) with percentage growth of a plant and discuss it briefly. 7
(b) In an agricultural field, the double ring infiltrometer test provided the following results : 7
t = 60 minutes f = 3.8 cm
t = 180 minutes f = 7.8 cm
Evaluate the coefficients in Kostiakov equation.
3. (a) Explain drip irrigation method. Also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this method. 7
(b) Discuss the various climatic zones of India. 7
4. (a) Discuss any one method to estimate the water requirement of a crop. Explain the term "Irrigation Scheduling". 7
(b) Derive the steady state drainage formula. Also, state assumptions made. i 7
5. (a) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of sprinkler irrigation vs. surface irrigation methods.7
(b) Discuss the criteria for the selection of pumps for irrigation. 7
6. Explain the four-corner method for the calculation of cut and fill volumes. 14
7. Write short notes on any two of the following : 7 each
(a) Sardar Sarovar Rehabilitation Policy
(b) Types of infiltrometers
(c) Equipments used for land grading
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