IGNOU Old Question Paper
No. of Printed Pages : 3
Subject Code: BME-0501
Term-End Examination, 2019
Time : 2 Hours] ]Maximum Marks : 70
Note : Question number one is compulsory. Attempt any four questions out of the remaining question number two to six. Use of calculater is permitted.
1. Define any seven of the following : [7x2=14]
(a) Fatigue strength and fatigue limit
(b) Content of Cast-Iron
(c) Classification of Lubricants
(d) Anealing and Quenching
(e) Corrosion Resistance
(f) Powder Metallurgy
(g) Alumina-silicate composite
(h) Percentage elongation
(i) Hardenability
2. (a) What. is Creep ? Discuss the various stages of creep. Explain creep mechanism of metal. [7]
(b) How is hardness measured ? Differentiate between Rock well hardness and Brinell hardness. [7]
3. (a) What are different heat treatment processes used for steel processing ? [7]
(b) What are the type of alloys ? Explain with the suitable range of alloying elements. [7]
4. (a) How is residual stress induced in a solid ? [7]
(b) Discuss properties of refractory materials. [7]
5. (a) Differentiate between hot pressing and pyrolysis. [7]
(b) What is plasticiser ? Discuss with examples.
Which property of polymer is improved by addition of plasticiser ? [7]
6. (a) What is the difference between viscosity and Viscosity Index. [7]
(b) Define the term coating. What are the purposes of coatings ?
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