IGNOU Old Question Paper
No. of Printed Pages : 3 MLE-013
Term-End Examination
June, 2019
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : The question paper has been divided into 3 parts : Part A, Part B and Part C. All parts are compulsory.
Note : Attempt any four of the following questions (150 word each). Each question carries equal marks. 4x5
1. What is Complaint ?
2. Nature for First Information Report.
3. Duties of Public Prosecutor.
4. Who is an accused person ?
5. Philosophy behind prison.
6. What is female criminality ?
Note : Attempt any four of the following questions in about 300 word each. Each question carries 10 marks. 4x 10
7. What is investigation of a crime ? Discuss the procedure of investigation by the police in a cognizable offence.
8. Who is an accomplice ? Discuss the evidentiary value of the evidence given by an accomplice.
9. Discuss the salient features of Malimath Committee Report on reforms of criminal justice system in India.
10. What are rights of an accused person ? Support your answer with the help of statutory and constitutional provisions.
11. Discuss the history of prison reforms in India.
12. What is Probation ? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
Note : Attempt any two of the following questions in about 500 word each. Each question carries 20 marks. 2x20
13. What is Confession ? 'Discuss the procedure regarding recording of confessional statement of an accused before the Magistrate.
14. What is the role of victims and the witnesses in prosecution system ? Discuss the legislative provisions with respect to protection given to the victims and the witnesses in India.
15. What do you understand by Compensatory Jurisprudence ? Discuss with the help of legislative provisions regarding compensation to the victims of crime in. India.
16. Discuss in detail about the concept- of alternative to imprisonment. Explain with the help of present law and practice in India.
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