M.A Psychology 1st Year Assignment Question
Course Code: MPC 005
Assignment Code: MPC 005/ASST/TMA/2021-22
Marks: 100
NOTE: All Questions Are Compulsory
Section A
Answer the following question in about 1000 words each: Marks 15x3=45
1. Discuss the nature, types and steps of case study. Describe the criteria and misconceptions of case studies.
2. Explain the method, steps, relevance and implications of grounded theory. Describe the types of coding in grounded theory.
3. Elaborate the assumptions, approaches, steps, issues and implications of discourse analysis.
Section B
Answer the following questions in about 400 words each: Marks 5x5=25
4. Explain the methods of estimating reliability.
5. Explain the different types of variables.
6. Discuss the various types of validity.
7. Describe the importance and types of hypotheses.
8. Discuss the types, advantages and limitations of factorial research design.
Section C
Answer the following in about 50 words each: Marks 10x3=30
9. Content of research report.
10. Objectivity safeguards in research process.
11. Types of constructs.
12. Quota sampling.
13. Advantages and disadvantages of survey research.
14. Differences between Ex-post Facto and Experimental research.
15. Criteria for a good research design.
16. Quasi-experimental research design.
17. Advantages of correlational research design .
18. Ethnography.
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