University of Madras
B.Com Degree Examination April 2021
Fourth Semester
Business Taxation
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Part A - (10×2=20 marks)
Answer any Ten questions in 30 words each.
1. What is GST? Define it
2. What is subsuming of taxes?
3. What is integrated GST?
4. Define the term person.
5. What is adjudicating authority?
6. What is meant by forward charges?
7. Explain any four exempted goods.
8. What is unregistered dealer?
9. What is intrastate supply?
10. What is warehousing in customs?
11. Write a note on auxiliary customs duty.
12. What is authorized bank?
Part B - ( 5×5=25 marks)
Answer any Five questions in 200 words each.
13. State various objectives of GST and its basic scheme.
14. Explain the complementary aspects of direct and indirect taxes.
15. Explain India's tax structure.
16. How will imports be taxed under GST?
17. Discuss the concept and importance of supply in GST act.
18. What is supply? What are all its scope?
19. Under what circumstances is a penalty leviable under GST?
PART C - ( 3×10=30 marks)
Answer any Three questions in 500 words each.
20. Give an introduction to GST in India.
21. Explain the role of indirect taxes in a developing economy.
22. Discuss the process of filing of returns.
23. Explain the additional information on customs duty.
24. Explain various obligations for filing of returns.
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