University of Madras
B.Com Degree Examination April 2021
Fourth Semester
Financial Services
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Part A - (10×2=20 marks)
Answer any Ten questions in 30 words each.
1. What is financial market?
2. Give any Two components of financial services.
3. Define interest rate.
4. What does 'public issue management' mean?
5. Who are merchant bankers?
6. What is issue management?
7. Who are brokers?
8. What is screen based trading?
9. Define Leasing.
10. State the meaning of consumer finance.
11. Expand the terms CRISIL and IRDA.
12. Mention any two types of mutual funds.
Part B - ( 5×5=25 marks)
Answer any Five questions in 200 words each.
13. Explain the objective of financial services.
14.State the role of financial system in the economic development of a country.
15. Distinguish between new issue market and secondary market.
16. How is right issue different from bonus issue?
17. What are the functions of specialists on a stock exchange?
18. Explain the mechanism of lease financing.
19. How are credit rating advantageous to investors?
PART C - ( 3×10=30 marks)
Answer any Three questions in 500 words each.
20. Bring out the important role played by financial services in developing the economic growth of a country.
21. Discuss the different methods of marketing the issue of securities by a corporate enterprise.
22. Explain the various stock exchange traders.
23. How are leases classified? Explain.
24. What are the major drawbacks connected with the credit rating system?
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