Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Office of the Controller of Examinations
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Regular/Back Exam-2075, Falgun/Chaitra
Program: Diploma In Computer Engineering
Full Marks: 80
Year/Part: III/I (2010)
Pass Marks:32
Subject: Embedded System
Time: 3 hrs
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks
Attempt (Any Ten) questions.
1. Define embedded system. Explain its block diagram with example [2+6]
2. What is DMA? Describe UART as the part of system. [2+6]
3. What is Interrupt Latency? Explain shared data problem with suitable code [2+6]
4. Explain function-queue-scheduling architecture and Real-time operating system architecture. [8]
5. Write about task states and timer-functions in RTOS. Also write the selection process of architecture. [3+3+2]
6. Write down the principle of RTOS and also explain about the encapsulating-semaphores and Hard Real Time scheduling. [2+3+3]
7. What is Host and target machine also explain about linker for embedded software. [4+4]
8. What do you mean by semaphore? Write down its importance. Also explain about timer function. [2+2+4]
9. Describe instruction set simulators with necessary diagram. [8]
10. What is assert macro? Explain it. Also write about the laboratory tools used in debugging techniques. [4+4]
11. Write Short Notes on (Any Two)
a) Round-Robin with interrupts
b) Host Machine
c) Memory management
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