Mangalore University Question Papers Old Question Papers
III Semester M.A. Examination, December 2018
Journalism and Mass Communication
International Communication
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Note : 1) Answer any five questions of the following.
2) All questions carry equal marks. (5×10=50)
1. Define the meaning and scope of International Communication.
2. Identify the major recommendations of MacBride Commission.
3. Discuss the cultural dimensions of International Communication.
4. Examine the impact of New Communication Technology on news flow.
5. Analyse social justice as an issue in international communication.
6. Amplify the influence of international communication on civil society.
7. Content of the media is controlled by the business interests of media conglomerates. Debate.
8. Explain the significance of transnational news agencies.
Note : 1) Write short notes on any four of the following.
2) All questions carry equal marks. (4×5=20)
9. Write short notes on any four of the following :
a) Diplomacy
b) Cultural autonomy
c) Colonialism
d) Propaganda
e) Public sphere
f) Media convergence.
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