Saturday, December 4, 2021

Madras University B.A / B.Sc / B.Com UEA1A English Paper I Dec 2020 Question Paper

University of Madras Previous Years Question Papers

B.A Degree Examination

Subject: English Paper I



Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks 

SECTION A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks) 

Answer any TEN questions in 30 words each. 

1. Write any two words pronounced with /p/ sound. 

2. Mark the stress in the following words 

(a) accuse 

 (b) describe 

3. Rewrite the following sentence using an introductory 'It' or 'There'. 

 An elephant is under the shade 

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles. 

 (a) My brother is _______________ doctor. 

 (b) _______________ Himalayas form the Northern boundary of India. 

5. Use the appropriate preposition given in brackets. 

Pongal is celebrated _______________ (in/on) the month of January. 

6. Give the synonyms of the following 

 (a) Parable 

 (b) Schooled 

7. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate adjectival form of the word given in brackets. 

 It is not a _______________ (laugh) joke. 

8. Fill in the blank with a suitable form of the verb given in the bracket. 

 It is _______________ (rain) outside. 

9. Change the following into negative. 

 (a) national 

 (b) legible 

10. Frame a suitable 'Wh' question to the following.  The hermit was digging the ground in front of his 


11. Fill in the blank with a connective. 

 My daughter is with CTS _______________ clients are in US. 

12. Rewrite in the Reported speech. 

 "Don't come on Sundays, Ramjee," my husband said. 

SECTION B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks) 

Answer any FIVE questions in 200 words each. 

13. When does a game or contest lose its excitement, according to Suzanne Sievert? 

14. How are the rights of women systematically violated? 

15. Write on Luz Long's true sporting spirit. 

16. How does the grand plan of Tom fail on a Monday morning? 

17. Examine the title of a poem 'The Pulley'. 

18. What are the effects of a scorpion sting on the mother and on others around her? 

19. Bring out the quarrel between Mrs. Packletide and Loona Bomberton, and how does it end? 

SECTION C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks) 

Answer any THREE questions in 500 words each. 

20. Write an essay on A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's essay 

'A Personal Crisis may change History'. 

21. Bring out the suggestions given by Dale Carnegie to win people without fighting. 

22. Narrate the sad tale of 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'. 

23. Describe the death of the bird. 

24. Sketch the character of Dasa in 'A Snake in the Grass'. 


Click here to download Madras University B.A / B.Sc / B.Com UEA1A English Paper I Dec 2020 Question Paper in PDF

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