Thursday, December 16, 2021

ME6302 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY-I Nov Dec 2017 Question Paper

Anna University B.E MECH 3rd Semester ME6302 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY-I November December 2017 Question Paper Download in Text Format

Anna University Chennai

Question Paper Code : 50856


Third/Fifth Semester

Mechanical Engineering


(Regulations 2013)

(Common to: Industrial Engineering/Industrial Engineering and Management/Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)/Mechanical and Automation Engineering)

Time : Three Hours 

Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. What is natural moulding sand ? Give its Constituents.

2. What are hot spots and hot tears ?

3. How does penetration vary for DCSP and DCRP welding ?

4. Define the terms ‘weld decay’ and ‘dilution’.

5. Differentiate flat rolling and shape rolling.

6. What is precision forging ?

7. What is spring back in sheet metal bending ?

8. Distinguish redrawing and reverse drawing.

9. What are commonly used fillers ?

10. Define ‘potting’ and ‘encapsulation’. 

PART -B (5 x 13=65 Marks)

11. a) Draw the cupola furnace and Indicate the various zones in it. Describe its operations and various zones present.


b) Name any 2 casting defects and its remedies of the following categories

(i) Metallic projection (ii) Cavities (iii) Defective surfaces. (4+4+5)

12. a) With suitable diagram, discuss the principle and variables of operation in TIG welding. What are functions and names of shielding gases used in TIG and MIG ?


b) What is explosive welding ? Describe its principle, process parameters and applications.

13. a) Name the different types of rolling mills, Explain any 4 types with neat sketch.


b) i) Explain the process of making seamless tube. (7)

ii) Discuss how the tubes for shaving creame / tooth paste is produced. (8)

14. a) i) What is stretch forming ? Explain how it is useful for forming large sheet metal parts.  (6)

ii) Discuss any one method of testing the formability of sheet metal. (7)


b) What is High Energy Rate Forming ? List the different types and explain any 2 in detail.

15. a) Describe the process of extrusion of plastics. Name some products made by this process.


b) Name and explain the suitable process for producing the barrel and plunger of a syringe.

PART -C (1*15=15 Marks)

16. a) Name and describe any one of the methods of. joining dissimilar materials having different coefficient of thermal expansion.


b) Suggest and explain suitable process for forming Hearing-aide. Also, highlight its capabilities.


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