MG University Old Question Papers
QP CODE: 19101536
Fourth Semester
(Common for B A English Language and Literature Model I .B A English Language and Literature Model II Journalism, B.A English Language and Literature Model II Administrative Assistant ,B,A English Language and Literature Model II Teaching , B.A English Language and Literature Model II Tutor in Conversational English, BA English Language and Literature Model II Copy Editor , BA English Literature and Communication Studies Model III (Double Main) , B A English Literature ,Communication and Journalism Model III (Triple Main), BA English Language and Literature - Model II (Vocational- Careers and Communication Skills)
Each question carries 2 makrs
1. What is meant by cultural transmission in human language?
2. Define auditory phonetics.
3. Name the three criteria for defining a consonant sound
4. How are vowels classified based on the position of lips?
5. What are backing diphthongs?
6. Define Intonation
7. What is meant by broad transcription?
8. Define lexical morpheme.
9. What are derivational affixes?
10. What are portmanteau allomorphs? Give examples.
11. What is the general syntax of a complex sentence?
12. What do you mean by performance?
Part B Answer any six questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
13. Explain the Phonatory System.
14. Briefly explain the process of the production of a vowel sound.
15. Explain with examples the three manners of articulation of /r/
16. Provide the three term description of the four back cardinal vowels.
17. Write a note on allophones.
18. Differentiate between linking /r/ and intrusive /r/.
19. Explain the term collocation.
20. Write a note on Structuralism,
21 Explain the term undecidability and transcendental signified
Each Question carries 15 marks.
22. What is meant by place of articulation? Explain any six classification of consonants based on this
23. W\rite an essay on Stress. Illustrate how forms of words change based on the stress it receives.
24. (a)Transcribe the following words (i) Elimination (ii) Heavy (iii) Leave (iv) Tame (v) Carry
(b) Transcribe the Sentences
Rose: Good morning. Jasmine. How do you do?
Jasmine Pretty well, thank you.
Rose: Aren't you going to some hill station this summer?
Jasmine: No. I feel pain in my knees while climbing. Besides it is very hot.
Rose: Yes, it is. But we have to bear with it.
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