Wednesday, December 8, 2021

University of Calicut B.Com 1st Sem BCM 1B 01 MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS AND BUSINESS ETHICS Nov 2015 Question Paper

University / Exam Board: University of Calicut




Core Course 


Time : Three Hours 

Maximum : 80 Marks 

Part A Answer all questions. Each question carries1 mark. 

1 ____________ principle states that an employee should receive orders from one superior only. 

(a) Unity of direction. (c) Esprit de corps . 

(b) Unity of command. (d) None. 

2  ___________ developed the "Need Hierarchy Theory" to explain human behaviour within an organization. 

(a) A.H.Maslow. (b) Douglas Mc. Gregor. (c) Herzberg. (d) Rensis Likert. 

3.  _____________ organization arises voluntarily or due to social interaction of people. 

(a) Formal. (c) Line organization. 

(b) Informal. (d) All of these. 

4. KRA in MBO stands for __________

 (a) Kerala Rural Academy, (c) Key Resources Availability. 

(b) Key Result Areas. (d) None of these. 

5. The word 'Ethics' is derived from Greek word _____________

(a) Ethios. (c) Ethoes. 

(b) Ethikos. (d) None of these. 

6. The term 'value' is derived from the French word  _________

7. Father of Modern Management theory is  ________________

8. _______________ Leadership gives complete freedom to subordinates. 

9. Military type of organization is also called  _____________

10. In  ______________ style of leadership a manager centralizes decision-making power in himself. (10 x 1 = 10 marks) 

Part B

Answer any eight questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 

11. What do you mean by Tree-rein Leadership' ? 

12. What do you mean by Span of control ? 

13. What do you mean by need for Affiliation ? 

14. What is Theory X of motivation ? 

15. Differentiate delegation and 'Decentralization'. 

16. What do you mean by business ethics ? 

17. What is meant by 'values' ? 

18. Define performance management. 

19. What do you mean by ethics committee in an organization ? 

20. What is formal organization ? 

Part C 

Answer any six questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 

21. What is scientific management ? 

22. What are the factors responsible for poor work culture in the organization ? 

23. Explain MBO and its advantage. 

24. Is management an art ? Explain why ? 

25. Write any two theories of motivation. 2

6. What do you mean by controlling ? 

27. Discuss the role of organization culture in ethics. 

28. Explain the different leadership styles. 

Part D 

Answer any two questions. Each question carries 15 marks

29. What do you mean by Recruitment ? State the merits and demerits of external and internals of recruitment. 

30. What is planning ? Discuss the steps in planning process' Explain the importance of Planning

31. What is Management ? Discuss the various functions which constitute the product management. 

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