Wednesday, December 8, 2021

University of Calicut B.Com / BBA 1st Sem Ways with Words Literatures in English Nov 2017 Question Paper

University / Exam Board: University of Calicut



(CUCBCSS-UG) Common Course-English 


(2017 Admissions) 

Time :  Three Hours 

Maximum :  80  Marks 

I.Answer the following questions :

(A) Choose the correct answer :

1 The repetition of a consonant in a sequence of words is called ----

(a) Oxymoron.(b) Metaphor. (c} Synecdoche. (d) Alliteration. 

2 Which are the two seasons evoked by Dilip Chitre in his poem ? (

a)Summer and Autumn.(b)Spring and summer.(c)Autumn and Winter.(d)Autumn and Spring.

3 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is the autobiography of----

(a) Maya Angelou.(c)  Margaret Atwood.(b)Patricia Grace.(d)Alice Walker.

4 Which poem speaks about Africa's cultural changes with the coming of western cultures? 

(a) Old Folks Laugh.(c)Once Upon a Time.(b)A Time to Change.(d)On Aging.

5 The Independence Day of the United States of America is on: 

(a) July 31.(c) July 9

(b)July 21.(d)July 4

(B) Answer in a word or a phrase : 

6 Which line forms the final line in all the stanzas of Bob Dylan's poem prescribed for your study? 

7 Who is Jack Noonan? 

8 Where is Samarra located ? 

9 What is the method used in everyday practical matters as well as in science ? 

10 Why can even notorious bores always be sure of an audience? (10 x 1 =   10 marks) 

II. Answer any ten of the following questions in two or three sentences :

11 Comment on the final couplet in Sonnet 29. 

12 Why is autumn called 'the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' ? 

13 There will be no thrice for Then I find doors shut on me-Explain. 

14  What is the significance of the colour grey in the expression 'grey hills' ? 

15 Bring out the difference between 'prejudice' and 'post-judice.' 

16 Why does Lucas fear that everybody is a bore ? 

17 What happened to the servant in the market place ? 

18  What bothers Jerome about his aunt? 

19 Why does Mrs. Mary Maloney go to the store to purchase groceries ? 

20 What do you know about the Maori literature ? 

21 Mention the objectives of 'Daughters of the Confederation'. 

22 How is Miss. Cornelia's room given 'an imperial touch' ? (10 x 2 =   20 marks) 

III.Answer any four questions out of six in a paragraph each :

23 Explicate how Ode to Autumn is an attempt to find beauty in the neglected, deglamourized aspects of nature and life. 

24 Types of bores as discussed in Lucas' essay "Bores." 

25 Why does the poet call death "dear and painless" ? 

26  According to you, what hinders a warm, friendly and meaningful interaction between Miss Cornelia and Miss Grace Lancaster ? -

27 What picture of Maori life do you get from It Used to be Green Once? 

28 Discuss how the story Appointment in Samarra expounds fatalism.  (4 X 5 =  20 marks) 

IV. Answer any two out of the four questions given in about 300 words :

29 How does Bob Dylan present the generational war that happened in the America of the 1960s in the  context of counter culture? 

30 Describe Jerome's inner conflicts about his father's death and his attempts to overcome them. 

31 How does Sagan depict the Oracle mongering of Alexander of Abonutichus ? 

32 There is a sharp contrast between the sophisticated, callous city dwellers and the trusting, naive, rural folk in "A Roadside Stand". Elucidate.                            (2 x 15 = 30 marks) 


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