Monday, January 31, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA III SEM Pharmaceutical Engineering -III [BP304T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Pharmaceutical Engineering -III [BP304T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

          (ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions. [1×20=20]

(i) Which of the following is not type of flow meters

 (a) Orifice meter

 (b) Pitot tube

 (c) Potentiometer

 (d) Rotemeter

(ii) Ball mill is used for

 (a) Attrition

 (b) Very fine grinding

 (c) Coarse grinding

 (d) Both a and c

(iii) Size Reduction is also known as

 (a) Communication

 (b) Compaction

 (c) Segregation

 (d) Seperation

(iv) In Ball mill, maximum Size reduction is obtain at

(a) Low Speed (b) Very High Speed

(c) Critical Speed (d) High Speed

(v) Borosilicate glass is also known as

 (a) Type I

 (b) Type II

 (c) Type III

 (d) Type IV

(vi) Which of the following is of cast iron alloys available in market

(a) Duriron

(b) Durichlor

(c) Both a and b

(d) Duraderm

(vii) Filters having pore size_____ are used to remove virus particle from water or air is

 (a) 0.010 to 0.10 microns

 (b) 0.30 to 0.65 microns

 (c) 0.65 to 0.95 microns

 (d) Up to 1.5 microns

(viii) Corrosion can be Prevent by

 (a) Use of corrosion Inhibitor

 (b) Coating and Lining

 (c) By changing the environment

 (d) All of the Above

(ix) The biological corrosion is due to

 (a) Changing resistance to surface film

 (b) Devoping corrosive environment

 (c) Altering rate of anodic/cathodic reaction

 (d) All of the above

(x) Transport of material in pneumatic Conveyors done through

 (a) Air

 (b) Screw

 (c) High Velocity of Air

 (d) Belt

(xi) Addition of________ Produce amber colored glass

(a) Iron Oxide

(b) Zinc Oxide

(c) MgO

(d) Aluminum oxide

(xii) Material Used as Lining material

(a) Plastic

(b) Latex

Page [10]

(c) Iron

(d) Glass

(xiii) Cyclone Separator is based on the principle of

(a) Centrifugal force

(b) Hydrogen force

(c) Internal Force

(d) None of these

(xiv) The transfer of thermal heat is transfer from hot place to cold place in same material is

 (a) Conduction (b) Convection

 (c) Radiation (d) Evaporation

(xv) Which of the following factors do not affect rate of evaporation

 (a) Temperature of liquid

 (b) Humidity of surrounding air

 (c) Depth of liquid

 (d) Surface of liquid

(xvi) Evaporation takes place at

 (a) All temperature

 (b) Freezing Point

 (c) Melting Point

 (d) Boiling Point

(xvii) The enzyme, vitamins, glycoside and alkaloids are extracted by

 (a) Steam Distillation

 (b) Flash Distillation

 (c) Vacuum distillation

 (d) Distillation under reduce pressure

(xviii) Which of the following is not a filter aid

 (a) Diatomaceous earth

 (b) Perlite

 (c) Cellulose

 (d) Cotton

(xix) Which of the following factors influence rate of filtration

 (a) Surface area

 (b) Viscosity of filtrate

 (c) Pressure drop

 (d) All of above

(xx) Which of the following evaporator is also known as Rising Film Evaporator

 (a) Horizontal tube evaporator

 (b) Steam jacked kettle

 (c) Climbing film evaporator

 (d) Forced circulation evaporator


Short answer questions. [5×7 = 35]

Note : Attempt any seven

Q.1 Define evaporation and Distillation. Write their objective and application

Q.2 Write the mechanism of heat transfer.

Q.3 Define size reduction and write the factors affecting of size reduction

Q.4 Write the types of corrosion and there prevention?

Q.5 Write the objective, principle and application of centrifugation

Q.6 Write the principle and working of fluidized bed dryer

Q.7 Explain about Climbing Film evaporator in brief

Q.8 Explain Cyclone Separator and Air Separator


Long answer questions [2×10 = 20]

Note : Attempt Long answers type questions. (any two).

Q.1 Write the objective, principle, construction, working and pharmaceutical use of Ball mill.

Q.2 Write long note on:

 (a) Double Cone Blender (b) Flash distillation

Q.3 Define Flow of Fluids and explain Bernoulli’s theorem

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