Monday, January 31, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA III SEM PHARMACEUTICAL MICROBIOLOGY -III [BP303T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020


Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

          (ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions. [1×20=20]

(i) According to Pasteur statements which one of the following is true

 (a) Living organisms discriminate between stereoisomers

 (b) Fermentation is a aerobic process

 (c) Living organisms doesn’t discriminate between stereoisomers

 (d) Both a and b

(ii) “I found floating therin earthly particles, some green streaks, spirally wound serpent-wise, and orderly

arranged, the whole circumstance of each of these streaks was abut the thickness of a hair on one’s

head”…. These words are of

 (a) Leeuwenhoek

 (b) A. Jenner

 (c) Pasteur 

 (d) Koch

(iii) The principle light- trapping pigment molecule in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria is (a) Chlorophyll

 (b) Chlorophyll

 (c) Porphyrin

 (d) Rhodapsin

(iv) In a fluorescent microscope the objective lens is made of?

(a) Glass (b) Quartz

(c) Polythene (d) None of these

(v) Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is by means of

 (a) Biological process

 (b) Lightining

 (c) Ultraviolet light

 (d) All of the above

(vi) Which one of the following fungi is the most serious threat in a bone marrow transplant unit?

(a) Candida albicans

(b) Aspergillus

(c) Blastomyces

(d) Cryptococus

(vii) Which is the following enzyme acts as a spreading factor?

 (a) Hyaluronidase

 (b) Coagulase

 (c) Catalase

 (d) DNase

(viii) Vibrio Cholerae was discovered by

 (a) Koch

 (b) Metchnikoff

 (c) John Snow

 (d) Virchow

(ix) E.coli was first isolated by

 (a) Louis Pasteur

 (b) Escherich

 (c) Shiga

 (d) Robert Koch

(x) Mycobacterium tuberculosis was first discovered by

 (a) Robert Koch

 (b) Edward Jenner

 (c) Louis Pasteur

 (d) None of these

(xi) The functions of plasmid are

(a) DNA replication

(b) Protein synthesis

(c) Cell wall synthesis

(d) None of the above

(xii) Mycoplasmas are bacterial cells that

(a) Fail to reproduce on artificial meida

(b) Have a rigid cell wall

(c) Are resistant to penicillin

(d) Stain well with Gram’s stain

(xiii) The etiologic agent of botulism is a

(a) Neurotoxin

(b) Endotoxin

(c) Enterotoxin

(d) All of the above

(xiv) An organism that is osmophilic and has a specific requirements for sodium chloride resembles

 (a) Halophile

 (b) Basophile

 (c) Barophile

 (d) Xerophile

(xv) A population of cells derived from a single cell are called

 (a) Monclonal cells

 (b) Clones

 (c) Protoplasts

 (d) Sub culture

(xvi) Bacteria that are respons ib le for fermentation of dairy milk are

 (a) Azetobacter

 (b) Rhizobium

 (c) Lactobacillus

 (d) Hay bacillus

(xvii) The fungal disease that affect the internal organs and spread through the body are called

 (a) Mycoses

 (b) Systemic mycoses

 (c) Mycotoxicosis

 (d) Superficial mycoses

(xviii) The staining technique used to stain the metachromatic granules of Corynebacterium

 (a) Giemsa stain

 (b) Alberts stain

 (c) Acid fast staining

 (d) Both a and b

(xix) Which one of the following bacteria has found extensive use in genetic engineering work in plants?

 (a) Clostridum septicum

 (b) Xanthomonas oriza

 (c) Bacillus coagulens

 (d) Agrobacterium tumefaciens

(xx) Maximum application of animal cell culture technology today is in the production of 

 (a) Insulin

 (b) Interferons

 (c) Vaccines

 (d) Edible proteins


Short answer questions. [5×7 = 35]

Note : short answers type questions. (any seven)

Q.1 Define the sterilization. Explain the different types of sterilization method?

Q.2 Define the evaluation of bactericidal & Baeferiostatic ?

Q.3 Define the term of Spoilage, explain the factor affecting the microbial spoilage of pharmaceutical product?

Q.4 What is BOD and COD?

Q.5 Explain different method of cultivating virus with their advantage and disadvantage?

Q.6 Explain the gram negative AND positive Bacteria?

Q.7 Explain the general characteristics and classification of viruses?

Q.8 Explain the general characteristics of micro organizing?


Long answer questions [2×10 = 20]

Note : Attempt Long answers type questions. (any two).

Q.1 Explain the method for stability testing of anequs parantral solution as per IP?.

Q.2 Write above construction and operation of an autoclave with a need diagram?.

Q.3 Explain in detail principal and working of compound microscope?.

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