Saturday, January 29, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA VII SEM Instrumental Methods of Analysis [BP701T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Seventh Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Instrumental Methods of Analysis [BP701T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

           (ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple choice questions- [1x20 = 20 Marks]

(i) Beer Lambert’s law gives the relation between which of the following?

a) Reflected radiation and concentration

b) Scattered radiation and concentration

c) Energy absorption and concentration radiation

d) Energy absorption and reflected radiation

(ii) HPLC methods includea) Liquid/liquid (Partition) chromatography

b) Liquid/solid (Adsorption) chromatography

c) ION exchange and size exclusion chroma

d) All of the above

(iii) Which of the following columns are not used in liquid or high performance liquid chromatography?

a) Analytical column b) Separation column

c) Guard column d) Capillary column

(iv) In which of the following ways, absorption is related to transmittance?

a) Absorption is the logarithm of transmittance

b) Absorption is the reciprocal of transmittance

c) Absorption is the negative logarithm of transmittance

d) Absorption is a multiple of transmittance

(v) In Flame emission photometers, the measurement of _____________ is used for quantitative analysis.

a) Colour b) Intensity

c) Velocity d) Frequency

(vi) Which of the following is the function of the chopper in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy?

a) To split the beam into two

b) To break the steady light into a pulsating light

c) To filter unwanted components

d) To reduce the sample into atomic state

(vii) Which of the following is not a component of the emission system in Flame photometer?

a) Burner b) Atomiser

c) Fuel gases and their regulation d) Chopper

(viii) Which of the following is not a fuel used in flame photometry?

a) Acetylene b) Propane

c) Hydrogen d) Camphor oil

(ix) Beer’s law states that the intensity of light decreases with respect to ___________

a) Concentration b) Distance

c) Composition d) Volume

(x) Laminar flow burner used in Flame photometers is also known as ____________

a) Turbulent burner b) Premix burner

c) Total consumption burner d) Nozzle mix burner

(xi) Chromatography is a physical method that is used to separate and analyse __________

a) Simple mixtures b) Complex mixtures

c) Viscous mixtures d) Metals

(xii) In which type of chromatography, the stationary phase held in a narrow tube and the mobile phase is forced

through it under pressure?

a) Column chromatography b) Planar chromatography

c) Liquid chromatography d) Gas chromatography

(xiii) Which of the following is not true about Absorption spectroscopy?

a) It involves transmission

b) Scattering is kept minimum

c) Reflection is kept maximum

d) Intensity of radiation leaving the substance is an indication of concentration

(xiv) In chromatography, the stationary phase can be ___________ supported on a solid.

a) Solid or liquid b) Liquid or gas

c) Solid only d) Liquid only

(xv) Which of the following is not a detector used in Flame emission photometers?

a) Photronic cell b) Photovoltaic cell

c) Photoemissive tube d) Chromatogram

(xvi) Which of the following is used in calibration of IR instrument?

a) TMS b) Glass

c) Metal halide d) Poly styrene

(xvii) Which compound are used as diluent in IR sampling?

a) Alkali halide b) Keton

c) Aldehyde d) Acetone

(xviii) In Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, which of the following is the generally used radiation source?

a) Tungsten lamp b) Xenon mercury arc lamp

c) Hydrogen or deuterium discharge lamp d) Hollow cathode lamp

(xix) In Column chromatography, the stationary phase is made of _________ and the mobile phase is made of


a) Solid, liquid b) Liquid, liquid

c) Liquid, gas d) Solid, gas

Page [3]

(xx) In Thin layer chromatography, the stationary phase is made of _________ and the mobile phase is made of


a) Solid, liquid b) Liquid, liquid

c) Liquid, gas d) Solid, gas


Long answer questions. [10x2 = 20 Marks]

Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

Q.1 Explain the principle and instrumentation of UV Visible spectroscopy.

Q.2 What are the different chromatography techniques explain thin layer chromatography.

Q.3 Explain High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).


Short answer questions. [5x7 = 35 Marks]

Note : Attempt any seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

Q.1 Explain factors affecting fluorescence in fluorimetry with application.

Q.2 Explain the principle of Atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Q.3 Explain factors affecting electrophoretic mobility in electrophoresis technique.

Q.4 Explain the principle of IR spectroscopy with its applications.

Q.5 Explain gel chromatography and give its applications.

Q.6 Explain column chromatography give its advantages and disadvantages.

Q.7 Explain the principle of flame photometry.

Q.8 Explain affinity chromatography with its applications

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