Saturday, January 29, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA VII SEM Pharmacy Practice [BP703T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Seventh Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Pharmacy Practice [BP703T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

           (ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple choice questions- [1x20 = 20 Marks]

(i) Which one of the following is not an essential service defined in the community

Pharmacy Cotractual Framework.

(a) Signposting to other healthcare professionals 

(b) Diposal of used waste medicines

(c) Dispensing private prescriptions

(d) Support for selfcare

(ii) Full Form of NDDR is………………

(a) New drug discovery research

(b) New drug discovery rotation

(c) New design discovery research

(d) None of these

(iii) Priscription is a…………….

(a) an order written by a registered medical practitioner

(b) an order written by pharmacist

(c) Written by anyone

(d) none of these

(iv) Wholeseller is link between

(a) Manufacturer & Customer (b)Manufacturer & Retailer

(c) None of these (d) Retailer &wholeseller

(v) Dispensing direction to patient in a prescription is called…………….

(a) Subscription (b) Superscription

(c) Inscription (d) Signa

(vi) The Latin term Nocte means……………..

(a) When necessary (b) At bed

(c) At night (d) Occasionally

(vii) Immunization can prevent…………….

(a) Communicable Diseases (b) Non- Communicable Diseases

(c) Any diseases (d) All of the Above

(viii) Community pharmacy is ………………

(a) Retail pharmacy business

(b) Practice of pharmacy in hospitals

(c) Medical practice in village

(d) Prescribing medicines by pharmacist’s

(ix) The Latin term Pulvis means

(a) A tablet (b) A paint

(c) A powder (d) A capsule

(x) The Latin term :Si Opus Sit” means………….

(a) Night & morning (b) At bed time

(c) As prescribed (d) When necessary

(xi) Prescription Part containing direction to pharmacist…………….

(a) Inscription (b) Subscription

(c) Superscription (d) Signature

(xii) Which of the following reaction is called Augmented adverse drug reactions?

(a) Genetically determined effects. (b) Idiosyncracy

(c) Rebound effect on discontinuation (d) Allergic reactions & anaphylaxis

(xiii) Severity of epidemic does not depend upon……………

(a) Economic Condition (b) Host population

(c) Geographic condition (d) Social cultural behaviour

(xiv) Which of the following is the part of Hospital Formulary?

(a) Information on Hospital policy (b) Drug products listing

(c) Special Information (d) All of the Above

(xv) Which one of these is a genetically determined adverse drug reactions?

(a) Addication. (b) Teratogenecity

(c) Carcinogenicity (d) Idiosyncracy

(xvi) The drug list consists of a list of therapeutic agents by their generic names followed by information on:

(a) Pharmacokinetic (b) Direction for use

(c) Strength & dosage form (d) Toxicology

(xvii) Which one of the following is not true when considering responsible Pharmacist Legislation?

(a) The must display notice Stating name and GphC registration no. (b)

The RP must keep record of the hours they acted as RP

(c) The RP must ensure that Pharmacy Standard Operating are reviewed that at least every 5year

(d) None of these

(xviii) ____________ is the organization to manage the procurement, storage, preservation, packaging,

sterilization, compounding, preparation, dispensing or distribution of medicine.

(a) Clinical Pharmacy (b) Hospital Pharmacy

(c) Community Pharmacy (d) Ambulatory Pharmacy

(xix) The most specific & sensitive method for assessment of compliance can be used to detect potent

therapeutic agent in body fluids is

(a) Drug analysis (b) Interrogation

(c) Urine marker (d) Residual Tablet counting

(xx) Which of the following drug does not require therapeutic drug monitoring?

(a) Digitoxin (b) Gentamycin

(c) Phenytoin (d)Paracetamol


Long answer questions. [10x2 = 20 Marks]

Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

Q.1 Describe the term prescription. Describe in brief the various part of prescription.

Q.2 What are Ointments? How are they Classified? Describe in brief the various type of ointments.

Q.3 Define incompatibility. What are different types of incompatibilities? Describe in brief about physical



Short answer questions. [5x7 = 35 Marks]

Note : Attempt seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

Q.1 Write Sources of Error in prescription.

Q.2 Describe Posology.

Q.3 Differentiate between Syrup and Elixir.

Q.4 Write Role of pharmacist in community health care and Education.

Q.5 Classify bandages and their standard.

Q.6 Write in brief Therapeutic Incompatibility.

Q.7 Differentiate between Liniment and Lotion.

Q.8 Define term Antagonism and Synergism.

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