Saturday, January 29, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA V SEM Industrial Pharmacy-I [BP502T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Fifth Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Industrial Pharmacy-I [BP502T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

(ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions. [1x20 = 20 Marks]

(i) Other than tablet hardness, which method is used to measure the tablet strength-

(a) Thickness (b) Weight variation

(c) Friability (d) Organoleptic properties

(ii) Use of talcum powder in tablet formulation as-

(a) Lubricant (b) Disintegrating agent

(c) Binder (d) Adhasive

(iii) How many tablets require for content uniformity test-

(a) 10 (b) 20

(c) 30 (d) 40

(iv) The dissolution flask is cylindrical with a hemispherical bottom. It is maintain at_______by the

constant temperature both-

(a) 37±0.5°C (b) 37±1.0 °C

(c) 37±1.5 °C (d) 37± 2.0 °C

(v) Excessive moisture may be responsible for-

(a) Capping (b) Lamination

(c) Picking (d) Sticking

(vi) Which of following is commonly used for direct compression-

(a) Methyl cellulose (b) HPMC

(c) Hydroxyl propyl cellulose (d) All

(vii) The mechanical strength of the tablet can be described as –

(a) Hardness and bending strength

(b) Fracture resistance

(c) Crushing strength

(d) All

(viii) Drug absorption is better with-

(a) Insoluble drugs (b) Lipid soluble drugs

(c) Powder (d) Ionized drugs

(ix) Capsule is made up of -

(a) Vegetable (b) Gelatin

(c) Dioscorea (d) None

(x) Soft gelatine capsule used for-

(a) Powders (b) Granules

(c) Liquids (d) All

(xi) A high efficiency air filter

(a) HEPA filter (b) Diluent

(c) Final filter (d) Web filter

(xii) Movement of particles in a solution through permeable membranes

(a) Filter (b) Dialysis

(c) Flow rate (d) Anhydrous

(xiii) Methods that maintain sterility products

(a) Aseptic technique (b) Bleaching

(c) A clean person (d) None of these

(xiv) The resulting solution when a drug is added to a parenteral solution

(a) Admixture (b) Solution

(c) Addtive (d) Juice

(xv) Gelatin is a

(a) Fat (b) Alkaloids

(c) Carbohydrate (d) Protein

(xvi) Which is the type of Borosilicate Glass

(a) Type I (b) Type II

(c) Type III (d) Type IV

(xvii) Which of the following are widely used and excellent preservatives

(a) Mercurial (b) Quaternary ammonium compounds

(c) Both (d) Acidic

(xiii) Titanium dioxide commonly used in

(a) Vanishing cream (b) Sunscreen Cream

(c) Ophthalmic Cream (d) Aqueous calamine cream.

(xix) Aerosol is used for the formation of -

(a) Smoke (b) Solid form

(c) Liquid form (d) Emulsion

(xx) Which one of the following is not a route of administration?

(a) Intravenous (IV) (b) Oral

(c) Topical (d) Dissolution


Long answer questions [10x2 = 20 Marks]

Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

Q.1 Explain the excipient and formulation of tablet.

Q.2 Explain in details about pharmaceuticals aerosols.

Q.3 Write the formulation and manufacturing consideration of syrup, elixir, suspensions and emulsion


Short answer questions. [5x7 = 35 Marks]

Note : Attempt seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

Q.1 Define pre-formulation studies and write its objectives

Q.2 Explain the material used in pharmaceutical preparation.

Q.3 Write the evaluation parameter of tablet.

Q.4 Define cold cream and vanishing cream and write their preparation formula as Per IP.

Q.5 Write the quality control test of parenteral product.

Q.6 Write difference between hard and soft gelatin capsules.

Q.7 Define tablet. Write its advantage and disadvantage.

Q.8 Write the legal and official requirements for containers

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