Saturday, January 29, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA V SEM Medicinal Chemistry-II [BP501T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Fifth Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Medicinal Chemistry-II [BP501T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

          (ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions. [1×20=20]

(i) Antihistamine drugs are antagonists for which receptor?

(a) H1 receptor antagonist

(b) H2 receptor antagonist

(c) H3 receptor antagonist

(d) H4 receptor antagonist

(ii) Drugs that decrease the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter are:

(a) anticholinergics (b) antibiotics

(c) antiarrhythmias (d) antidiuretics

(iii) Which class of antibody is associated with an allergic reaction-

(a) IgE (b) IgA

(c) IgM (d) IgG

(iv) Which of the following alkylating agents is employed for carbon & carbon alkylations

(a) Ethylene (b) Propylene

(c) Butylenes (d) All of the mentioned

(v) Cancer can be treated by -

(a) Surgery (b) Radiation, Immuno, Chemo therapy

(c) 70% (d) 100%

(vi) Busulphan is -

(a) Cytotoxic Drug

(b) Bifunctional alkylating agent

(c) Approximate or similar to chlorambucil

(d) All of the above

(vii) What is obtained from petroleum-cracking operations?

(a) Benzene (b) Aniline

(c) Ethylene (d) All of the mentioned

(viii) Which of the following enzyme is essential for the conversion of histidine to histamine?

(a) Histidine amylase (b) Histidine hydrolase

(c) Histidine decarboxylase (d) Histidine phosphorylase

(ix) Alcohols are used in the manufacture of which type of ethers?

(a) Isopropyl ether (b) Ethyl ether

(c) Cellosolve (d) All of the mentioned

(x) Which of the following histamine receptor increase permeability during inflammation reaction?

(a) H1 receptor (b) H2 receptor

(c) H3 receptor (d) H4 receptor

(xi) Diethylaniline is prepared from aniline and ethyl alcohol in presence of which acid?

(a) Nitric acid (b) Hydrochloric acid

(c) Sulphuric acid (d) All of the mentioned

(xii) Which of the following histamine receptor increases the release of gastric acid?

(a) H1 receptor (b) H2 receptor

(c) H3 receptor (d) H4 receptor

(xiii) Which type of alkyl ester in used for alkylating amines?

(a) Lower (b) Moderate

(c) Higher (d) None of the mentioned

(xiv) Which of the following is the first antihistamine?

(a) Piperoxan

(b) Ethylenediamine

(c) Alkylamines

(d) Tricyclics

(xv) Tick the anticancer drug belonging to inorganic metal complexes:-

(a) Styrene oxides (b) Trialkyl phosphate

(c) Alkylmagnesium halide (d) All of the mentioned

(xvi) The main reason to prescribe a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) is for the treatment of

(a) low back pain (b) nausea and vomiting

(c) diarrhea (d) indeterminate chest pain

(xvii) Which of the following drugs has the smallest volume of distribution?

(a) Chloroquine (b) Verapamil

(c) Imipramine (d) Warfarin

(xviii) A statistically significant variable with the use of PPI and H2 receptor blockers was:

(a) Cardiovascular drugs

(b) Number of oral products taken daily

(c) Vitamin/mineral/supplement use

(d) Anticholinergic burden

(xix) Which of the following is not a major risk factor for atherosclerosis?

(a) Family history (b) Cigarette smoking

(c) Obesity (d) Male gender

(xx) Long-term use of PPIs can delay the diagnosis of:

(a) Hepatitis (b) Anemia

(c) Gastrinomas (d) Dementia


Short answer questions [7×5 = 35]

Note : Attempt any Seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

Write note on -

Page [3]

Q.1 Diuretics

Q.2 Vasodilators

Q.3 H1 Antagonist

Q.4 H2 Antagonist

Q.5 Antibiotics

Q.6 Antihypertensive agents

Q.7 Anticoagulants

Q.8 Anti-arrhythmic Drugs


Long answer questions. [10×2 = 20]

Note : Attempt any Two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

Q.1 Describe antihistaminic agents with its classification.

Q.2 Describe gastric proton pump inhibitor.

Q.3 Explain antiarrhythmic agents with classification.

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