Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University BE VII SEM ALL BRANCH Simulation & Modeling [IT-711] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Engineering

Seventh Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Simulation & Modeling [IT-711]

Branch: IT

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70

Note : 1. Attempt any five questions out of eight.

           2. All question carry equal marks.

Q.1 (a) What do you mean by continuous and discrete system? Explain it with suitable examples.

Give difference between linear and non-linear system.

(b) Explain the concept of system and environment in simulation. Also discuss the various

advantages and disadvantages of simulation. Discuss the various types of simulation.

Q.2 (a) Discuss the role of simulation in model evaluation an studies. Explain in brief about static and

dynamic models.

(b) Briefly write the different steps involved and four guiding principles associated with

simulation modeling.

Q.3 (a) Explain the concept of Monte Carlo method of computer based simulation in detail. Also write

its application areas.

(b) What do you mean by the term analog and hybrid simulation? Explain the various steps

required in building a financial simulation model for an organization.

Q.4 (a) Describe the exponential growth model and decay model. Explain the steps required in

validation of a SD model.

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(b) Explain the simulation of system dynamics for waiting times in single server queuing system.

Describe the characteristics of queuing system.

Q.5 (a) What are the system dynamics diagrams? Explain in brief. Also describe about the calumnious

system models.

(b) Explain the concept of discrete and continuous probability function in simulations.

Differentiate between random numbers and pseudo random numbers.

Q.6 (a) Discuss stochastic variables and process in details. How could random numbers that are

uniform on the interval [0,1] be transformed in to random numbers that are uniform on the

interval [-11,17]?

(b) Discuss the inverse transformation method for generating the non-uniform continuous random

number using the following function.

F( ) 1/ ( );0 1 x xA x = + ≤≤ = 0, elsewhere.

Q.7 (a) What are logistic curves and multi segments models? Write the classification of simulation

languages in brief.

(b) Explain the simulation in GPSS with the help of a block diagram for the single server queue


Q.8 (a) Write short notes on any two:

i) Markov chain


iii) Queuing theory in computer system

(b) Develop a model and write a program in dynamo for inventory control

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