Monday, January 31, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA III SEM Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry – II [BP301T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry – II [BP301T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

          (ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions. [1×20=20]

(i) How to choose a Sulfonating reagent?

(a) Minimize side reactions (b) Physical conditions

(c) Compound being sulfonated (d) All of the mentioned

(ii) Sulfone formation reduces by the use of ?

(a) Solvent (b) Solute

(c) Solution (d) None of the mentioned

(iii) Which of the following is an intermediate compound for the formation of Resorcinol?

(a) Phenol

(b) Benzene

(c) Aldehyde

(d) Ketone

(iv) What is meant by “hydrotropic” agents?

(a) Oxidizing (b) Reducing

(c) Solubilizing (d) None of the mentioned

(v) Sulfonation in the benzene hydrocarbon series gives polystyrene -

(a) True (b) False

(c) all are true (d) none of these

(vi) What product is produced on the nitration of the mononitro sulfonates?-

(a) Dinitrobenzenesulfonic acids . (b) Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acids.

(c) Tetranitrobenzenesulfonic acids (d) All of the mentioned

(vii) Which process is used to produce desired isomer in Naphthalene series?

(a) Sulfonation (b) Desulfonation

(c) Alkylation (d) Halogenation

(viii) Quinoline can be sulfonated to benzene nucleus in presence of?

 (a) Oxime (b) Aoxy

(c) Oleum (d) Zinc

(ix) Sulphur trioxide is unsuitable for which compound?

(a) Saturated aliphatic compounds (b) Saturated aromatic compounds

(c) Unsaturated aliphatic compounds (d) Unsaturated aromatic compounds

(x) Complete the following reaction: ROH + H2SO4 ——> _______ + H20 ?:-

(a) R-SO3H (b) RO-SO3H

(c) R-SO3OH (d) RO-SO3OH

(xi) Phenolphthalein is obtained by heating phenol with conc. H2SO4 and which of the following reactant?

(a) Benzyl alcohol (b) Benzene

(c) Benzoic acid (d) Phthalic anhydride

(xii) Salicylaldehyde can be prepared from which of the following reactants?

(a) Phenol and chloroform (b) Phenol, chloroform and sodium hydroxide

(c) Phenol, carbon tetrachloride and NaOH (d) Phenol, carbon tetrachloride.

(xiii) When phenol is treated with excess of bromine water, it gives which of the following product?

(a) m-bromophenol

(b) o-and p-bromophenol

(c) 2,4-dibromophenol

(d) 2,4,6-tribromophenol

(xiv) Phenol reacts with bromine in carbon disulphate at low temperature to give which of the following


(a) m-bromophenol

(b) o-and p-bromophenol

(c) p-bromophenol

(d) 2,4,6-tribromophenol

(xv) Bromine reacts with phenol and decolorize orange color and turns it to which of the colored precipitate?

(a) white precipitate (b) pink precipitate

(c) blue precipitate (d) black precipitate

(xvi) Which of the following regents may be used to distinguish between phenol and benzoic acid?

(a) Aqueous NaOH (b) Tollen’s reagent

(c) Molisch reagent (d) Neutral FeCl3

(xvii) What is the major product obtained on interaction of phenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide?

(a) Benzoic acid (b) Salicyladehyde

(c) Salicylic acid (d) Phthalic acid

(xviii) Picric acid is formed when phenol react with which of the following reactant?

(a) Formaldehyde (b) Hydrogen

(c) Nitric acid (d) Hydrochloric acid

(xix) Bakelite is formed when phenol react with which of the following reactant?

(a) Formaldehyde (b) Hydrogen

(c) Nitric acid (d) Sulphuric acid

(xx) Phenol undergoes ionization to become more stable by reacting with which of the following chemical


(a) negative ions (b) positive ions

(c) radicals (d) neutral atoms


Short answer questions. [5×7 = 35]

Note : short answers type questions. (any seven)

Write short note on :

Q.1 Baeyer’s Stain theory..

Q.2 Structure and medicinal uses of Di-phenyl-methane

Q.3 Saponification.

Q.4 Aromatic acids.

Q.5 Fatty acids.

Q.6 Saponification and rancidity of oils.

Q.7 Cyclo alkanes.

Q.8 Nuclear hydrocarbon.


Long answer questions [2×10 = 20]

Note : Attempt Long answers type questions. (any two).

Q.1 Write the General Method of preparation of Cycloalkane with reaction..

Q.2 Give the Synthesis, reaction, and uses of naphthalene and anthracene.

Q.3 Write the General Method of preparation of Aromatic amines with reaction

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