Monday, January 31, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA LATERAL III SEM Pharmaceutical Microbiology [BP303T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Pharmaceutical Microbiology [BP303T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

          (ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple choice questions- [1×20 = 20 Marks]

(i) Cellulose are produced from

(a) S.cereviceae (b) Trichoderma Koningi

(c) A nigar (d) None of these

(ii) The raw material for citric acid production is

(a) Corn (b) Molasses

(c) Starch (d) None of these

(iii) Aspergillus niger is used generally for the production of

(a) Ethanol (b) Penicillin

(c) Citric acid (d) Lactic acid

(iv) Over heating of fermentator during fermentation is controlled

(a) Cooling jacket (b) Steam

(c) Cool air (d) None of these

(v) Antifoam agent is

(a) Silicon compounds (b) Corn oil

(c) Soyabean oil (d) All of these

(vi) The capacity of laboratory fermentors is

(a) 12–15 liters (b) 2000 gallons

(c) 500 liters (d) 10000 gallons

(vii) Different methods of strain improvement are

(a) Protoplast fusion (b) Recombinant DNA technique

(c) Genetic recombination (d) All of these

(viii) Sun ray fungus is

(a) Actinomyces irraeli (b) Chromoblastomycosis

(c) Streptomyces griseus (d) Cryptococcosis

(ix) Which agent on addition to a colony inhibits its growth and on removal the colony

regrows is?

(a) Bacteriostatic (b) Bactericidal

(c) Antibiotic (d) Antiseptic

(x) β-lactum ring is present in

(a) Erythromycin (b) Penicillin

(c) Tetracyclins (d) Chloramphenicol

(xi) All of the following drugs act on cell membrane, except

(a) Novobiocin (b) Nystatin

(c) Chloromycetin (d) Colicins

(xii) Cycloserine related to the amino acid in structure

(a) Serine (b) Aspergine

(c) Alanine (d) None of these

(xiii) In Tuberculosis therapy mainly used antibiotic is

(a) Penicillin (b) Streptomycin

(c) Chloramphenol (d) Cycloserine

(xiv) The antibiotic produced from Bacillus subtilis is

(a) Vancomycin (b) Bactiracin

(c) Both a and b (d) None of these

(xv) Aldehydes, which are most powerful disinfectants

(a) Formaldehyde (b) Acetaldehyde

(c) Gluta aldehyde (d) Both a and c

(xvi) Accridine dyes are more effective against

(a) Gram positive (b) Gram negative

(c) Mycoplasmas (d) Rickttsiae

(xvii) Cultures are prepared by penetrating the inoculation loop with suspension into the

medium, they are

(a) Stock cultures (b) Stabcultures

(c) Sub-cultures (d) None of these

(xviii) The principle involved in the streak plate method is

(a) Separation (b) Streaking

(c) Isolation (d) Dilution

(xix) Which virus was first observed?

(a) Hepatitis Virus (b) TMV

(c) Cauliflower mossaic virus (d) None of these

(xx) The most important energy-yielding reaction for an aerobic organism is

(a) Glycosis (b) EMP

(c) KDPG (d) Both b and c


Short Answer Type Questions.

Note : Attempt Any Seven Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks.

Q.1 Explain the Binary Fission?

Q.2 Define the evaluation of bactericidal & Bacterio Static?

Q.3 Enlist the application of cell cultures.

Q.4 Detail description of Aseptic area and laminar from equipments.

Q.5 Define the Disinfectants?

Q.6 Define the vitamins?

Q.7 Explain the gram negative Bacteria?

Q.8 Explain the gram positive Bacteria?

Q.9 Explain the general characteristics of micro organizing?

Q.10 What is BOD and COD?


Long Answer Type Questions.

Note : Note: Attempt Any Two Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks.

Q. 1 Define the sterilization. Explain the different types of sterilization method.

Q.2 Explain the general characteristics and classification of viruses.

Q.3 Explain in detail the importance and relieving of microbiology in pharmacy?

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