Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University Old Question Papers
Bachelor of Engineering
Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020
Electronic Devices & Circuits [EC223]
Branch- EC
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70
Note : Attempt any five questions. All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) Write the V-I plot of semiconductor diode and explain its working principal.
(b) Write down working and application of PIN diode.
Q.2 (a) Explain the basic structure of LED.
(b) Draw the complete input and output characteristics of CE amplifier and explain them.
Q.3 (a) Write short note on: (i) AC load line (ii) DC load line
(b) Explain transistor as switch work.
Q.4 (a) Explain the working of enhancement model in a MOSFET with circuit symbol
and characteristics.
(b) Draw the FET characteristics and explain the various operating regions of FET. Also,
draw its transfer characteristics.
Q.5 (a) Write short note on “h”- parameters.
(b) Explain cascading amplifier with suitable diagram.
Q.6 (a) Write short note on class-A, class-B amplifier with suitable diagram.
(b) Explain push-pull amplifier.
Q.7 (a) Explain JFET with suitable diagram.
(b) Draw and discuss the characteristics of P-channel depletion type MOSFET.
Q.8 (a) Write down DIAC and TRIAC characteristics.
(b) Explain thyristors parameter and its application.
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