Monday, January 31, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA III SEM Physical Pharmaceutics -I [BP302T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Third Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Physical Pharmaceutics -I [BP302T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

(ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions. [1×20=20]

(i) The Solubility of substance depends on the……

(a) Solvent Used (b) Temperature

(c) Pressure (d) All of the Above

(ii) 2. _________________ is the ratio of the mean residence

(a) Absorption Number (b) Dissolution Number

(c) Dose Number (d) Intrinsic Dissolution

(iii) Fick’s law is used for study of…………………

(a) Dissolution rate

(b) Disintigration rate

(c) Dissociation rate

(d) Diffusion rate

(iv) which of the following is also known as supercooled liquids?

(a) Amorphous Solid (b) Ionic Solid

(c) Molecular Solids (d) Crystalline Solid

(v) The refractive Index of a material depends upon………….

(a) Wavelength of light (b) Temperature

(c) Nature of material (d) None of these

(vi) Apparatus used to determine surface Tension of liquid is……..

(a) Capillary tube Viscometer (b) Du Nouy tensiometer.

(c) Rotometer (d) Rheometer

(vii) EDTA is …………………………………………..

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(a) Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (b) Ethylene diamine tri acetic acid

(c) Ethylene dicarboxylique tri acetic acid (d) Ethyl dibutyl tri acetic acid

(viii) In term pH, H indicates……………..

 (a) Hydrogen (b) Helium

(c) Haemoglobin (d) Half

(ix) The solution having Osmotic pressure greater than that of 0.9% w/v sodium chloride is


(a) Hypertonics Solution (b) Hypotonic solution

(c) Isoosmotic Solution (d) Isotonic solution

(x) USP Apparatus 5 is………………………

(a) Flow-through-cell (b) Paddle over disk

(c) Cylinder (d) Paddle

(xi) Surface Tension of Liquid ________________ with increase in temperature?

(a) Decrease (b) Increase

(c) No Change (d) None of the Above

(xii) Stalagmometer is used to determine…………………………..

(a) Viscosity (b) Particle size

(c) Solubility (d) Surface Tension

(xiii) Dipole Moment is used…………….

(a) For Predicting the nature of molecules

(b) Degree of polarity

(c) Shapes of molecules

(d) All of the Above

(xiv) The Unit of Surface tension is………………………….

(a) N/m2


(c) Dynes/cm

(d) Dynes/m2

(xv) Ligands with Multiple Binding sites are called……………….

(a) Unidentate (b) Bidentate

(c) Polydentate (d) Hexadentate

(xvi) Which of the following is unidentate ligand

(a) Ammonia (b) Oxalate ion

(c) EDTA (d) Ethylene diamine

(xvii) The tonicity of Solution can be determined by……………..

(a) Colorimetric method (b) Haemolytic Method

(c) Coligative method (d) Both B & C

(xviii) Velocity of light is maximum in ……………..

(a) Diamond (b) water

(c) Vaccum (d) Glass

(xix) When solid changes to liquid is called…………….

(a) Melting (b) Condensation

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(c) Sublimation (d) Vapourization

(xx) The mass transfer of molecules in a substance from higher concentration to lower concentration


(a) Diffusion (b) Osmosis

(c) Active transport (d) Passive transport


Short answer questions. [5×7 = 35]

Note : short answers type questions. (any seven)

Q.1 Write factor influencing solubility of Drugs.

Q.2 Describe in detail the properties of liquid

Q.3 Write Application of Refractive Index

Q.4 BET Equation.

Q.5 Application of Buffer in Pharmacy.

Q.6 Different method used for measurement of ph.

Q.7 Application of Complexation in Pharmacy.

Q.8 Write note on Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm


Long answer questions [2×10 = 20]

Note : Attempt Long answers type questions. (any two).

Q.1 Describe in detail Basket Apparatus & Paddle Apparatus.

Q.2 Define Polymorphism and its Classification. What are the different method used for characterization of polymorphism.

Q.3 Define Complexation. What are the types of complexs? Write detail About Inclusion Complexes.

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