Saturday, January 29, 2022

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University B PHARMA V SEM Pharmacology-II [BP503T] Dec - 2020 Question Paper

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Fifth Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020

Pharmacology-II [BP503T]

Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 75

Note : (i) All parts of the question paper are compulsory.

          (ii) All question of each part to be attempt at one place.


Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions. [1x20 = 20 Marks]

(i) Dopamine is

(a) Both alpha and beta agonist

(b) Beta agonist

(c) Alfa agonist

(d) Beta antagonist

(ii) Digoxin is contraindicated in

(a) Arterial fibrillation

(b) Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

(c) CHF

(d) Atrial flutter

(iii) Drug of Choice in Ventricular tachycardia

(a) Pethidine (b) Digoxin

(c) Propranolol (d) Lignocaine

(iv) Which Drug has a high first pass effect ?

(a) Amiodarone (b) Phenytoin

(c) Verapamil (d) Disopyramide

(v) Quinidine is contraindicated in

(a) Atrial Fibrillation (b) Atrial Flutter

(c) Digitalis toxicity (d) Supraventricular tachycardia

(vi) Drug of choice for digitalis induced arrhythmia is-

(a) Quinidine (b) Procainamide

(c) Encainide (d) Phenytoin

(vii) Ant-arrhythmic drugs causing "torsades de pointes" are all except

(a) Quinidine (b) Disopyramide

(c) Procainamide (d) Lignocaine

(viii) Calcium Channel blocker with the maximum peripheral effect is

(a) Verapamil (b) Nifedipine

(c) Diltiazem (d) Gallapamil

(ix) Calcium channel blocker with maximum effect on conduction in heart is

(a) Verapamil (b) Nifedipine

(c) Diitiazem (d) Nimodipine

(x) Following are the side effect of Nimodipine , EXCEPT

(a) Hypotension (b) Flushing

(c) Headache (d) Severe constipation

(xi) Which of the following relieves angina-pectoris by decreasing myocardial work, but may precipitate CHF

(a) Phentolamine (b) Phenoxybenzamine

(c) Propranolol (e) Atropine

(xii) Verapamil increases toxicity of all, EXCEPT

(a) Digoxin (b) Propranolol

(c) Benzodiazepines (d) NSAID’S

(xiii) The longest acting nitrate is

(a) Glyceryl trinitrate (b) Amyl nitrate

(c) Isosorbide mononitrate (d) Isosorbide dinitrate

(xiv) The drug of choice in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is

(a) Propranolol (b) Verapamil.

(c) Digoxin (d) Amiodarone

(xv) All of the following are example of Calcium channel Blockers, EXCEPT

(a) Nifedipine (b) Diltiazem

(c) Pirenzepine (d) Verapamil

(xvi) The commonest side effect of oral nitrates are all EXEPT

(a) Bradycardia (b) Headache

(c) Hypotension (d) Oral Ulceration

(xvii) Which is true about enalpril as compared to captopril

(a) Lesser potent

(b) Quicker onset

(c) Longer acting

(d) More adverse effect

(xviii) Chemically paracetamol is

(a) N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (b) Chloroquine

(c) Acetyl salicylic acid (d) Acetophen

(xix) The following drugs are used in acute gout, EXCEPT

(a) Allopurinol (b) Naproxen

(c) Corticosteroids (d) Colchicine

(x) All of the following are thiazide diuretics, EXCEPT

(a) Bumetanide (b) Benzthiazide

(c) Indapamide (d) Metolazone


Long answer questions [10x2 = 20 Marks]

Note : Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

Q.1 Explain in detail about NSAID’S with classification.

Q.2 Write in detail about Anti-gout drug with classification.

Q.3 Write in detail about Estrogens, progesterone and contraceptives.


Short answer questions. [7x5 = 35 Marks]

Note : Attempt seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

Q.1 Write classification of Anti-hypertensive drugs.

Q.2 Write short note on Thiazide Diuretics.

Q.3 Write short note on Aspirin.

Q.4 Explain ACE Inhibitors with one example.

Q.5 Write short note on Verapamil, its mechanism of action, uses and side effects.

Q.6 Write a note on Angina pectoris.

Q.7 Write in detail about Acetazolamide drug.

Q.8 Give a short note of drugs used in CHF.

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