Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam University
Bachelor of Engineering
Seventh Semester Main Examination, Dec-2020
Distributed System [CS-702]
Branch: CSE
Time: 3:00 Hrs Max Marks 70
Note : 1. Attempt any five questions out of eight.
2. All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 (a) What are the main objectives and challenges of distributed systems?
(b) Differentiate between caching and replication.
Q.2 (a) What is Distributed Shared Memory (DSM)? Describe its architecture.
(b) Why architectural model is important in the distributed system design? Also discuss the resource
sharing and its importance?
Q.3 (a) What is false sharing? When it is likely to occur? What should be done to minimize the false sharing
problem? Can this problem be completely eliminated? Explain.
(b) Explain significance of a fault tolerant service with fragmented and replicated data system?
Q.4 (a) What is API for internet protocol?
(b) Discuss the various concurrency control protocols.
Q.5 (a) Explain in brief different types of load distributing algorithms.
(b) What is Concurrency control in distributed databases?
Q.6 (a) Discuss the major issues in designing a distributed operating system? Explain the main
characteristics of a distributed event based system?
(b) Compare and explain times for Synchronous and Asynchronous remote procedure calls with
suitable diagrams.
Q.7 (a) What are the requirements for distributed mutual exclusion algorithms?
(b) Explain in detail the deadlock handling strategy?
Q.8 Short note on: (Any three define with example)
(a) Homogeneous and heterogeneous DBMS
(c) RPC
(d) Middle Ware
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